DFWFreeways.info - Includes historical information on and photographs of freeways in the Dallas - Fort Worth area. - http://www.dfwfreeways.info/
Austin Toll Party - Group opposing the toll road plans in and around that city. Site includes maps and feedback form. - http://www.austintollparty.com/
Trans-Texas Corridor - Weblog providing political commentary and information. The site includes links to related websites and sites of elected officials in the state. - http://transtexascorridor.blogspot.com/
North Texas Tollway Authority - Information and news for the toll roads in Dallas. Details on the TollTag system. - http://www.ntta.org/
CorridorWatch.org - A group of public officials and private citizens opposed to the Texas Department of Transportation's proposed Trans-Texas Corridor, a wide multimodal rebuild of certain highways. Website includes membership information, discussion forum, maps, and govern - http://www.corridorwatch.org/
Project Pegasus - Information concerning the IH 30/IH 35E Canyon, Mixmaster and Lower Stemmons Freeway projects in Dallas. - http://www.projectpegasus.org/
TexasFreeway.com - Detailed schematics and history. - http://www.texasfreeway.com/
Grand Parkway - The official page for the proposed outer-outer-beltway around Houston, also called TX 99. Maps, hearing records, and general information. - http://www.grandpky.com/