Buchanan County Amateur Radio Club - Established in 2004 with goals of generating more interest in ham radio and providing emergency communications in the event of disaster in the county. Includes news, meeting schedule, newsletters, list of officers and repeater information. - http://www.bcarc.net/
Jones County Amateur Radio Club - Formed to exchange information among members, promote radio knowledge, fraternalism and operating efficiency, and provide service to the community. Includes club constitution, meeting schedule, list of officers and club members. - http://www.qsl.net/kc0lgb/
Muscatine Amateur Radio Club - Comprehensive local resource with membership and local information, repeater frequencies, mailing list and links. - http://kc0aqs.org/
Amateur Radio In Central Iowa - Prepared by the Story County Amateur Radio Club. Highlights an overview, and information about events, testing sessions, frequencies, and hamfests. - http://www.scarc.networkiowa.com/
DMRAA: Des Moines Radio Amateur Association - Presents information about events, news, a list of officers and members, newsletters, and resource links. - http://www.qsl.net/dmraa/
Iowa City Amateur Radio Club - Meeting schedules, club and membership information, net and repeater frequencies and local severe weather links. - http://icarc.org/
Iowa Repeater Council - Organization that coordinates amateur radio repeaters in the state of Iowa. - http://www.iowarepeater.org