NJ7P Tube Database Search - General guide to tube specifications online. - http://www.nj7p.org/Tube.php
Ake's Tube Data - Information about electron tubes, and valves, from many parts of the world. - http://www.akh.se/tubes/
The Vacuum Tube Page - Roy Schmaus presents tube information, and articles about the R1155 receiver. - http://www.ee.ualberta.ca/~schmaus/elect/tdex.html
PAE - Audio Tube Data from Italy. Comprehensive site with a lot of very useful information. - http://digilander.libero.it/paeng/devices_frame.htm
AAVT - Information on the 6L6 look-alike, and where to get the last remaining tubes. - http://elektronenroehren.de/avvt/html/avvtclub/
About the 304TL Family - Tube Data for the 304TL and other similar tubes. - http://www.alumrocktech.com/304tl.shtml
Shortwave Transmitter Tubes - Guide to tubes used in shortwave broadcast transmitters with links to and information about manufacturers, rebuilders and suppliers of such tubes. - http://www.tube.be
Andy M1EBV - Valve data includes various types which may be used in the Racal RA17L HF receiver. - http://www.pamandandy.demon.co.uk/valves/index.html
Hello, Mister Valve! - Some great tube history and data! - http://www.ominous-valve.com/tubes.html
Audiotubes.com - Brent Jessee Recording Tube Sales and information. Plenty of data and articles here too. - http://www.audiotubes.com/
WA2ISE sub-miniature tubes - Pencil tube data and pin-outs. - http://pw2.netcom.com/~wa2ise/radios/penciltubes.html
Triode Electronics - Tube data and audio amplifier schematics online. - http://www.triodeel.com/tubedata.htm
Military VT Tubes - Frederick W. Chesson presents one of the best military VT- tube to commercial tube conversion tables. - http://pages.cthome.net/fwc/VT.HTM
CPI Eimac Power Tubes - The site has some technical data including a reprint of the old text The Care And Feeding Of Power Grid Tubes which used to be given away by Eimac. - http://www.cpii.com/eimac/index.html
JMH's Virtual Valve Museum - An extensive collection of pictures and information of old, unusual, and unique vacuum tubes. - http://www.tubecollector.org/
Electron Tube Datasheets - From the WPS Archives Datasheet database, 1958 - 1961 - http://www.wps.com/archives/tube-datasheets/
VT52 - Tube audio projects and datasheets - http://www.vt52.com/
Vacuum Tube Theory - A huge site with lots of useful information. - http://www.du.edu/~etuttle/electron/elect27.htm
The 807 Tube - Great WW2 era RF transmitting and audio power tube. - http://www.rod.beavon.clara.net/807.htm
Russian Tube Data - Tube data book online - Main Index. - http://klausmobile.narod.ru/td/indexe.htm
Franz Hamberger Tube Data - Data for electron tubes from Berlin in Germany available in both English and Deutsch. - http://www.ginko.de/user/franz.hamberger/#tubes
Dr. Tube - Tube datasheets on-line. - http://www.drtube.com/tubedata.htm