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  Transmitters (10)

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Bartlesville Kilowatt Transmitter Open in a new windowLink Details
- Homebrew rig from 1937, of unique style. Built by W5GAE, Preston Gaddis of Bartlesville, OK., who is now a silent key.
- http://www.amfone.net/ECSound/BartlesvilleTX/bvilletx.htm

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Classic Radio Gallery - Transmitters II Open in a new windowLink Details
- Several pages of transmitters on display here.
- http://www.radioing.com/museum/tx1.html

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Besco Internacional Open in a new windowLink Details
- AM - FM Used broadcast transmitters for sale. Dallas, Texas
- http://www.besco-int.com/

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Ken Lotts AA7JC Open in a new windowLink Details
- An Ameci AC-1 and a Harvey Wells transmitter plus his homebrew single tube 12 watt transmitter with pictures, and schematics.
- http://www.lotts.net/ken/ham/

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LA5KI's Hallicrafters transmitters Open in a new windowLink Details
- The HT-series. Pictures and descriptions.
- http://www.qsl.net/la5ki/ht.htm

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Ameco AC-1 Transmitter Open in a new windowLink Details
- WA9WFA's great little QRP tube CW transmitter.
- http://www.qsl.net/wa9wfa/ha00016.htm

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Micamold XTR-1 Open in a new windowLink Details
- Great little 25 Watt transmitter for 80, 40 and 20 meters.
- http://www.qsl.net/wa9wfa/ha00002.htm

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Columbia Electronics Open in a new windowLink Details
- Various brands of military surplus transmitters sold, bought or traded. Located near Los Angeles.
- http://www.columbiaelectronics.com/

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Ameco AC-1 Transmitter II Open in a new windowLink Details
- Joe Tyburczy, W1GFH has produced a great page including schematics, pictures and stories about this 6V6 novice rig.
- http://www.qsl.net/wb1gfh/ameco.html

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Submit a Featured Link: [$19.00]  Submit a Regular Link: [$9.00]