Royal Signals Amateur Radio Society - News, pictures and history on a variety of amateur radio subjects. Pictures and museum information also. By G3NVK Richard Winters in Leicestershire, England. -
Surplus Radio Society - From the Netherlands - a lot of useful information here. -
Veteran Wireless Operators Association - 350 current members. The ranks of VWOA included most of the executives and innovators of the broadcasting and communication industry and thousands of radio operators. -
The James Millen Society - Formed for enthusiasts who have an interest in this pioneer and the equipment he was responsible for building. Includes a history of the group, a biography, pictures, schematics, a membership roster and application. -
Norwegian Historical Radio Society - Founded in 1979 to record, preserve and restore old radios and similar equipment which have or will have historical interest. -
The Radio History Society - Has monthly meetings with a "car boot sale" and auction. Burtonsville, MD. -
The Xtal Set Society - Founded in 1991. Publishes a newsletter, and several books about crystal radio. Crystal set projects, tips for crystal radio design, and crystal radio history. -
International Shortwave League - For licensed amateurs, and short wave listeners, both amateur and broadcast band. -
British Vintage Wireless Society - Membership includes their magazine with facts and information covering every aspect of radio collecting. Club holds regular swapmeets and radio auctions. -
Collins Collectors Association - Arthur A. Collins, 1909-1987; in 1933, he started out to build a better transmitter, and his company became a leader in amateur radio quality and performance. -