K7CCC's - Three Charlies - A Knight T-60 Enthusiast shows us his nice station. - http://www.qsl.net/k7ccc/
N8ATT - "It all began with a Knight T-60..." - http://www.cboss.com/mvara/n8att.html
Knight R-100A - Knight R-100A and speaker - great picture and description. - http://oak.cats.ohiou.edu/~postr/bapix/R100A.htm
Knight Space Spanner - Picture and description. - http://oak.cats.ohiou.edu/~postr/bapix/SpaceSpn.html
Gerard's Knight 600C - A Tube Tester that is now in the Netherlands. - http://www.cs.ruu.nl/people/gerard/RadioCorner/Sets/Knig600.htm
Space Spanner Memories - Leo, K5AVJ remembers his early days of ham radio in 1959-60 with a KnightKit Space Spanner receiver. From the eHAM.net articles section. - http://www.eham.net/articles/1521
Knight 6C-225 - Radiophile presents: A Knight receiver from 1947. - http://www.radiophile.com/knight.htm
Knight Kit Manuals - A number of manuals on-line at the BAMA Archives. - http://bama.sbc.edu/knight.htm