Heath Apache TX-1 - The famous 'Scratchy Apache' transmitter. Includes a picture and specification sheet. From The Heathkit Virtual Museum. - http://www.heathkit-museum.com/ham/hvmtx-1.shtml
WB4IUY Dave - Pictures of Heathkit and Lafayette AMateur Radio equipment. - http://www.ipass.net/wb4iuy/radio.html
Heathkit Troubleshooting Tips - Covers audio and radio equipment of various types. - http://ww_heco.home.mindspring.com/heco_fix.html
Heath Kit Pages by Bill Wilkinson - A lot of great history and articles about the Heath Company and their products. - http://ww_heco.home.mindspring.com/
DX-60 Modifications - Another article on how to improve the audio of a DX-60 transmitter. - http://www.amwindow.org/tech/htm/dx60aud.htm
DX-100 Drive Pot Replacement - Technical article on how to permanently replace the drive potentiometer (hard-to-find) in your Heath DX-100 transmitter. - http://www.amwindow.org/tech/htm/drivepot.htm
DX-100 Screen Modulation - Screen Modulation Optimization for the Heath DX-100 by Dean, WA1KNX - http://www.amwindow.org/tech/htm/scrnmod.htm
DX-100 Mods - WA1HLR explains how to get super sounding audio from yur Heath DX-100 transmitter. - http://www.amwindow.org/tech/htm/dx100.htm
DX-100 Mods by AA8TV - Ed shows us a variety opf audio modifications & general improvements that can be made to the Heathkit DX-100 transmitter. - http://www.amwindow.org/tech/htm/dx100/dx100.htm
SB-200 Resources - Links to various web pages about this amp. - http://www.westlawn.net/sk/sb200.html
Heathkit Parts Cross-Reference - Large list of Heath parts. Includes descriptions and generic equivalents for many parts. - http://www.d8apro.com/heath3.htm
MyHeathkits - A Heath connoisseur selling Heathkit items such as manuals, parts. - http://myheathkits.com/
Yahoo! Groups : HeathKit-Radios - Join up and chat with many other Heath enthusiasts via this E-mailing list. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/HeathKit-Radios/
RTO Electronics - Heathkit Amateur Radio Repair, parts, and manuals. - http://www.rtoham.com/html/heathkit.html
A DX-40 Story - Leo, K5AVY remembers his novice days with a good old DX-40. Article from eHam.net. - http://www.eham.net/articles/1523
The Heathkit Shop - Mike, WB8VGE's new site for the Heathkit collector and those interested in repair of their equipment. - http://www.theheathkitshop.com/
Heath 1 - Untitled page presented by one of the former "Hams At Heath." He has some manuals and parts available. - http://www.d8apro.com/heath1.htm
Heath Mowhawk - A rather poor quality photo. - http://www.montagar.com/~patj/salmow1.jpg
Heath Apache - A rather scratchi picture. - http://www.montagar.com/~patj/salapa1.jpg
Heath Manuals at BAMA - Many Heathkit schematics and manuals available on-line. - http://bama.sbc.edu/heath.htm
Heathkit Message Board - Another very useful bulletin board where you can communicate with other Heath enthusiasts. - http://members3.boardhost.com/heath32a/
Filters - International Radio sells filters for Heath / Heathkit radios. - http://www.qth.com/inrad/heath.htm
Bill's heathkit Collection - A private heathkit collection of VE7DTM with pictures. - http://www.heathkit.ca
The Heathkit Virtual Museum - A tribute to the Heathkit tradition. Production of Heathkits, a staple of electronic hobbyists throughout the world, ceased in the 1980's. - http://www.heathkit-museum.com/
AADE Hampedia - A large list of Heath radios with pictures and descriptions. - http://www.aade.com/hampedia/heath/heath1.htm
W3ZF Danny's Heathkit Page - Pictures of his Heath radios, and operating positions. - http://www.qsl.net/w3zf/
Heathkit Educational Systems - technical training materials for schools, corporations, and independent study situations. - http://www.heathkit.com/