Rate My Ride - Users post pictures of their vehicles and get their appearance rated on a scale of 1-10. - http://www.ratemyride.com/
Vote For My Car - Find out how a submitted car ranks against other netizens. - http://www.voteformycar.com/
Rate Car Pics - Score pictures of cars and trucks. Separate top 10 lists for recent pictures, cars and trucks. - http://www.ratecarpics.com/
Ride Judge - Readers can rate cars on a scale of 1 to 10, based on photographs and written descriptions. Special galleries are presented for top ten and bottom ten vehicles. - http://www.ridejudge.com/
RatingCars.com - Rate photographs of cars on scale of 1 to 10, or submit a picture of your own automobile to be rated. - http://www.ratingcars.com/
Rate My 'Stang - Submit and rate photos of Mustangs. Comment on posted pictures. - http://www.ratemystang.com/
Rank My Ride - Rank cars as either wack or dope. Requires registration. - http://www.rankmyride.com