Oh, Rats - Pictures and tales featuring a pack of male fancy (pet) rats. - http://www.taletn.com/rats/
Heidi's Rat Corner - Features descriptions and photographs of Squeaker rats and a diary. [English and Norwegian] - http://awas.nvg.org/rats/
The RAG - Photos, cartoons and links. - http://www.the-rag.com/
Aww Rats - Photos, a diary, links page and handmade pet toys for sale. - http://www.wtronix.com/awwrats/
Rattley's Rat Page - Goods and bad points of owning a rat, care guide, pictures and links. - http://home.earthlink.net/~ks4iq/rats.html
Rats Are People Too - Stories, tips, anatomy, photographs and how to make a rat harness. - http://www.ratballs.com/
Filip Sebek's Rat Page - Links to world wide clubs, FAQ's and a varieties guide. - http://www.idt.mdh.se/~fsk/rats/
Suebee's World - Rats Rule! - A brochure to inform pet shops about rat care, links, tips, photos and a guide make your own hammock. - http://www.ratsrule.com/
Blackstaff Rats - Articles, pictures, care guide and information on adopting. - http://www.blackstaff.co.uk/index.html
Rex Rats - Photos, make your own cage and health guide. - http://www.rexrat.co.uk
Ratz R Us - Extensive health and care information, chat, discussion boards, games, links, pictures (upload your own) and stories. - http://www.ratzrus.co.uk/
The Rat Cage - Some lovely photos and a facts page. - http://members.iinet.net.au/~peterg1/beth/beth.html
Ratamania - Care tips, photos, notice board and links. - http://ratamania.50megs.com/
Zephyr Shadow and Suade's Page - Lots of great pictures including a growth chart, plus basic care. - http://vanislpets.50megs.com/RatPge.htm