Hamster Heaven - Contains information you need from Syrian hamsters to Dwarves. Includes forum, gallery, FAQ and information on hamster care. - http://www.hamster-heaven.com/
AOL Pets - Hamsters Message Board - Talk about your pet hamsters, ask questions and share advice. - http://messageboards.aol.com/aol/en_us/articles.php?boardId=166314&func=3&channel=Pets
FurryCritters - Offers information and pictures on care and breeding. Share experiences and ask questions about the little furry friends. - http://www.furrycritters.co.uk
The Hamster Site - General information regarding hamster care and hamster types, including stories about rescued hamsters and those currently looking for homes. - http://www.thehamstersite.com
Hamster Dreams - A forum to discuss hamster issues, post pictures and share stories. - http://hammiedreams222.proboards27.com/index.cgi
Why Hamsters Bite - Article explains the reasons hamsters bite their owners and gives techniques for eliminating this problem. - http://www.2ndchance.info/hamsterbite.htm
Kathy's Kritter Tales - Collection of information, photos, and stories about hamsters and guinea pigs, including a journal of hamster babies. - http://kathyskritters.com/tales/index.html
All About Hamsters - Provides information about hamsters, buying a hamster, hamster care, breeding hamsters and showing hamsters. Covers syrian hamsters and dwarf hamsters. - http://www.petwebsite.com/hamsters.asp
Caring for Hamsters - Provides information on health, care, feeding, handling, breeding, genetics and toys. - http://www.hamstercare.co.uk/
Hamster House - Photos and information about caring for hamsters, shows, and message board. - http://www.hamsterhouse.com/
HamsterCam - Offers live streaming hamster cameras, pictures, e-cards, and links. - http://www.unet.univie.ac.at/~a9105295/hamstercam/1024/frame.htm
Kaytee Hamsters - Contains information on the care of your hamster, including information on nutrition, health, habitat and food. - http://www.kaytee.com/companion_animals/mammals/hamster/
Hammie Land - Offers information about owning hamsters, products, links, graphics, and photos. - http://www.hammieland.com
Jackie the Hamster - Action shots of Jackie the Hamster on release from the children's nursery. - http://www.wakey.com/hamster/
National Hamster Council - Provides information on organization as well as hamster care, shows and competition, clubs, stories, photos, and forum. - http://www.hamsters-uk.org/
Hammie Home - Photos of KoKo, Kayda, and other hamsters. Also includes general hamster information. - http://hammiehome.2itb.com/
Hamster Land - General hamster information including cages for hamsters, what and how to feed your hamster, breeding hamsters, hamster history, and what to do when your hamster is sick and a virtual hamster. - http://www.hamsterland.com/
Hamster Code - Usenet code for hamsters. - http://www.wpcusrgrp.org/~blowe/hcode.html
Hamster Page - Small collection of hamster resources available on the internet. - http://www.direct.ca/hamster/
Hampster Dance 2 - Witness the original dancing hamsters. - http://hampsterdance2.com
Hamster Hideout - Hamster bios, information, games, and you can get a free @hamsterhideout.com email address! - http://www.hamsterhideout.com
Dylan Menagerie - Home of the Hamster Mailing List. Also has many hamster and dwarf hamster pictures and links. - http://www.dylan.org/