Rabbit Information Service - Provides information about rabbit care, rabbit diseases, and rabbit related issues. - http://www.iinet.net.au/~rabbit/
Fuzzy-Rabbit.com - General rabbit information, behavior explanation, health and photos. - http://www.fuzzy-rabbit.com
The Rabbit Hutch - A guide for indoor rabbit owners with informational links such as health, care and house proofing tips. - http://therabbithutch.com/
Language of Lagomorphs - A guide to understanding and communicating with pet rabbits. Includes animated and video examples of rabbit behaivior. - http://www.muridae.com/rabbits/rabbittalk_intro.html
Bunnie Rabbit Lover Site - Care and useful information on safe guarding your home and what it is like to have a house bunny. - http://www.fretnotguitarrepair.com/Bunnie%20Lover.htm
Hopperhome.com - Lots of information on rabbits including care, adoption and contests. - http://www.hopperhome.com/
DebMark Rabbit Education Resource - The purpose of this site is to educated people about raising rabbits from the basics to in depth. Site written by Dr. Mark Waldo. - http://www.debmark.com/rabbits/rabbits.htm
Rabbit Trivia and Fun Facts - Some interesting trivia and facts about rabbits. - http://www.funtrivia.com/Animals/Rabbits.html
PetNet Rabbit Page - Everything you need to know about keeping rabbits in Australia. - http://www.petnet.com.au/rabbits/rabbits.html
House Rabbit Society Rabbit Care Guide - House Rabbit Society is an all-volunteer, non-profit organization that rescues abandoned rabbits and educates the public on rabbit care. - http://www.rabbit.org/