CONTACT of Burlington County Pet Friends - Volunteers provide 24-hour telephone support, information, and referrals to people mourning or anticipating the loss of a pet. Includes phone numbers and volunteer opportunities. -
AVMA: Pet Loss Support Hotlines - A directory of pet loss and grief hotlines. -
C.A.R.E. Pet Loss Helpline - Confidential telephone service offered through the University of Illinois College of Veterinary Medicine for people who are either grieving the loss of a companion animal or are anticipating a loss. Information on the grief process, resources, and pet pho -
Iowa State University Pet Loss Support Hotline - Provides a source of emotional support for those who have recently lost a pet or are anticipating a loss. -
The Pet Loss Support Hotline, UC Davis - Provides a non-judgmental outlet for people to express their feelings and concerns. The hotline is staffed by veterinary students trained by a professional grief counselor. Contact information, hours, and links to other resources. -