Easy Insects
- Information on keeping exotic critters as pets. Information includes creatures like cockroaches, walking sticks, giant mantids, scorpions, and tarantulas. Photos, links, care sheets, and shopping.
- http://www.easyinsects.co.uk/
Raising Moths and Butterflies - This site is devoted to showing as much of the lifecycle of moths and other Lepidoptera species. - http://csce.unl.edu/~scotth/leps/
The Beetle Experience - Provides photos, sounds, care-sheets, and related links for some of America's beetles. - http://www.beetle-experience.com
Microcosmos.org.uk - A guide with photographs to rearing and breeding phasmids (stick insects) and mantids (praying mantis). - http://www.microcosmos.org.uk/
Stick Insect Ireland - FAQs, links, gallery, and care sheets for keeping phasmids. - http://www.stickinsect.com/
Welcome to Crickets - Many aspects of caring for and keeping crickets as pets are covered here. Includes photos, links, care information, and a message board. - http://www.crickets.20m.com
The Ant Farm - A personal Web site related to ants: FAQ, building an ant habitat, resources, pictures and forum. - http://alpha.zimage.com/~ant/
Insect Links - General information on insects including keeping them as pets. Includes critters such as beetles, mantids, termites, assassin bugs, and moths. Links to care sheets and photos. - http://www.herper.com/inverts/insects.html
Stick Insects Home - Beginner information on raising stick insects. Photos and a guestbook are included. - http://web.ukonline.co.uk/mark.provan/
Madagascar Hissing Cockroach - The University of Kentucky's own resource for Gromphadorhina Portentosa. Information on rearing them as pets. Illustrations included. - http://www.uky.edu/Agriculture/Entomology/entfacts/misc/ef014.htm
Mexican Jumping Beans - Information on care for live mexican jumping beans as pets. Includes shopping and frequently asked questions. - http://www.beansthatjump.com/
Ants as Pets - A history of ants, how to collect them, and instructions for building artificial nest. Illustrations and links to related books. - http://www.planet-pets.com/ants.htm