Westminster Kennel Club
- This AKC club hosts the olympics of conformation shows in New York City. Site includes previous years' results, upcoming show information, and sells books and videos,
- http://westminsterkennelclub.org/
Belleville and District Kennel Club - This CKC club founded in 1967 hosts sanctioned shows and obedience trials, an annual eye clinic, an obedience correction match and conformation sanction match, the Shurgain Biathlon,agility trials, and ongoing classes offering instruction in both obedienc - http://www.bellevilledogclub.com/
Oak Ridge Kennel Club - This AKC club in Knoxville, Tennessee sponsors Conformation and Obedience classes, trials and matches, Breeder referral, and a monthly magazine, "the Woffer." Site includes membership and club activity information and online newsletter. - http://www.discoveret.org/orkc/
Eagle Rock Kennel Club - This AKC club in Idaho Falls, Idaho sponsors conformation shows and matches. Site includes club news and member brags. - http://www.erkc.org/
Lawrenceville Kennel Club - An AKC licensed club in Lawrenceville, GA. The club sponsors conformation agility and obedience trials, seminars, breeder referral and training classes for conformation and obedience. Site includes club history, event information, calendar, facilities a - http://www.lawrencevillekc.com/
Kalamazoo Kennel Club - Information on classes, shows, breeder referral, and building rental for this AKC club in Michigan, United States. Site includes information on membership, club activities, the annual show, and building rental. - http://www.kalamazookennelclub.com
Quincy Kennel Club Inc. - All breed club offers training classes for obedience (all levels) and conformation, holds dog shows and obedience trials, therapy dog visits, craft show. Breeder referral service available. Serving the Tri-State area. - http://www.quincykennelclub.com/
Inland Empire Kennel Association, Inc. - IEKA is an all breed kennel club in Spokane, Washington. The IEKA site offers information on AKC shows, club activities, breeders, including all breeds of dogs. - http://www.ieka.org
Olean Kennel Club Inc. - This all-breed AKC club in Olean, N.Y. hosts two conformation and obedience shows annually. The site contains information on upcoming shows, matches, club sponsored obedience, agility, handling & jr.handling classes, health tips, breed spotlight, phot - http://theoleankennelclub.itgo.com
Echo Hills Kennel Club - Obedience training Comformation testing and annual dog show for all breed AKC dogs. Site features news, club info, training help, dog show information, and links. - http://www.echohillskennelclub.com
Palouse Hills Dog Fanciers - An AKC licensed all breed dog club covering the area of eastern Washington State and northern Idaho. The club offers annual AKC sanctioned events, free helpful information about dog breeds and breeder referral, and public education about dogs in general. - http://www.phdf.net
Yellowstone Valley Kennel Club - An AKC licensed all breed dog club covering the area of the Yellowstone Valley in Central Montana. This club offers annual AKC sanctioned events, free helpful information about dog breeds and breeder referral, and public education about dogs in general. - http://www.yvkc.org
Kokomo Kennel Club - Promoting and maintaining a genuine interest in pure-bred dogs in the Kokomo, Indiana area. Site features club history and contact information. - http://www.kokomokennelclub.com
Danville Kennel Club - This Virginia-based club sponsors agility trials. - http://www.n4kss.net/~dkc
The Lackawanna Kennel Club - The official website of the Lackawanna Kennel Club Scranton, PA. Site features classes, events, breder referral, documents, forms, photos, membership application, and legislative alerts. - http://www.lackawannakc.org
Kinolog Club: Russian Working Dogs Federation - Concentrates on French Bulldog, Great Dane, Rottweiler, and German Shepherd breeds. Features a photo gallery, dog show schedule, and contact information. [Russia] - http://kinologclub.narod.ru/
Ottawa Kennel Club - Canada's oldest kennel club sponsors monthly guest lectures and annual conformation show. Site includes membership and show information, as well as links. - http://www.ottawakennelclub.ca/
Beaver County Kennel Club - Located in Rochester PA, the BCKC hosts 2 AKC all breed shows each year. Site includes event dates, agility & obedience class information, breeder and rescue referral and many photos. - http://www.beavercountykennelclub.org
Mountaineer Kennel Club - The MCK is an AKC affiliated club in West Virginia offers obedience, puppy, agility, conformation, and therapy dog activities. - http://www.mkclub.org
Lexington Kennel Club - Located in Kentucky, the LKC holds 2 AKC shows, obedience trials and agility trials a year. Site contains show and match info, photos, show results, officer list, contact info. - http://www.lexingtonkennelclub.com
Key City Kennel Club, Inc. - KCKC is a non-profit AKC member club in the Greater Mankato, Minnesota, area. The club sponsors annual all-breed conformation shows, and obedience and agility trials. The site contains information about meetings, training, members, events, news, and map - http://keycitykennelclub.org
Travis County Kennel Club - The Travis County Kennel Club is a club of dog enthusiasts in Texas. The club holds an annual show the last weekend in October at the Travis County Expo Center. - http://www.traviscountykc.org
Andhra Pradesh Kennel Club - The APKC is based in Hyderabad, India and was founded in 1948. The website features Club information, history, activities, members, show information and contact information. The club is affiliated with the Kennel Club of India (KCI). - http://www.apkc.org
Pioneer Valley Kennel Club - This AKC club in Greenfield, Massachusetts, Offers obedience, agility and breed handling classes. The club works to stimulate interest in showing, training and breeding purebred dogs, and offers a breeder referral service. - http://www.pioneervalleykennelclub.com
Seattle Kennel Club - This AKC club in Washington state was established in 1938. The club participates in conformation shows, CGC testing, and hosts seminars. Their site includes upcoming event information, club history, contact information, and a membership area. - http://www.seattlekennelclub.org/
Woodstock & District Canine Association - This club, located in Woodstock, Ontario, Canada, ,hosts shows, trials, obedience classes & conformation practice. Their site includes information on our upcoming events and links to our members' sites and general dog information sites. - http://members.execulink.com/~korevaar/WDCA.htm
Greenwich Kennel Club, Inc. - The Greenwich Kennel Club (GKC) serves Connecticut, New York and New Jersey. This site features membership and show information. - http://www.greenwichkc.org
Contra Costa County Kennel Club - AKC club serving the northern california bay area. Site features an activities calendar and membership information. - http://www.ccckc.net
Waukesha Kennel Club - An all-breed dog club in southeastern Wisconsin offering information on club's dog shows and related activities, training classes, Directory of Breeders, Rescue contacts, dog-related services. - http://www.waukeshakennelclub.org
Berks County Kennel Club - This all-breed club in Pennsylvania sponsors conformation trials and supports therapy dogs. Site features club history and membership and show information. - http://www.berkscountykennelclub.com
Golden Valley Kennel Club - This all breed AKC club in Central California sponsors conformation shows and obedience trials and classes. The site includes show and class information, breeder referrals, and links. - http://www.goldenvalleykc.org
The Sheboygan Kennel Club - This AKC club sponsors an annual Conformation and Obedience show in Wisconsin. Site includes show and membership and training information. - http://sheboygankennelclub.com/
Hangtown Kennel Club - Hangtown Kennel Club of Placerville, California is an all-breed dog club sponsoring a conformation and obedience classes, conformation shows and agility trials. Site features a very odd logo, upcoming events, and member information. - http://www.hangtownkc.org/
South Windsor Kennel Club - AKC club in Vernon, Connecticut sponsoring an annual conformation show. Site includes membership, local breeder and show information - http://www.southwindsorkennelclub.org/
Western Reserve Kennel Club - This Cleveland, Ohio club supports monthly lectures, canine legislation, and the annual Crown Classic conformation show. Site includes calendar, club activity and contact information. - http://www.westernreservekc.com/
Columbia Kennel Club - This South Carolina AKC club features breeder referral, conformation shows, and eye clinics. Site includes calendar, meeting and upcoming events information. - http://www.thedogshow.com/ckc/
Durham Kennel Club - AKC club in North Carolina promoting pure-bred conformation, tracking, obedience, breeding, and pet therapy through classes, trials and shows. Site includes activity info and member list. - http://www.mindspring.com/~beglane
Austin Kennel Club - AKC club in Texas hosting an annual all-breed show. Includes past years' results and information on selecting a breed. - http://www.onr.com/user/wilscot/austinkc/index.htm
Sault Ste. Marie Kennel Club - Ontario club sponsoring obedience and conformation matches and obedience classes. Site includes information on classes and matches, as well as contact information. - http://www.soonet.ca/users/ssmkc/
Northern Alberta Canine Association - Information on shows, trials, events, activities and training, an all-breed dog club located in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. Site offers show and membership information. - http://www.sureshot.ca/naca.html
Coulee Kennel Club - Serves the Coulee Region along the Mississippi River, includes information on choosing, finding, training and showing purebred dogs. The club sponsors an annual conformation show. - http://www.couleekennelclub.com
Badger Kennel Club Inc - Active Madison, Wisconsin dog club with classes and trials in obedience, puppy training, conformation, junior handling, agility, canine good citizenship, flyball, scent hurdles. Site includes information on classes, upcoming events and a variety of dog-re - http://www.badgerkennelclub.com
Mattaponi Kennel Club - An AKC and UKC all-breed club hosting conformation, obedience, tracking and agility trials in Prince William County and Northern Virginia. Site includes a calendar, links, and club activity information. - http://www.mattaponikennelclub.com
Comal County Kennel Club - AKC licensed all-breed dog club based in Comal County Texas. Events and show information. Site includes previous years' show information, calendar, and member list. - http://www.comalcountykc.org/
Sacramento Council of Dog Clubs - Coalition of AKC breed, all-breed, and training clubs in Northern California. Site offers breeder referral, rescue, membership, and event information. - http://www.sacramentodogcouncil.com
Morris and Essex Kennel Club - Revival of the historic kennel club in Maddison, New Jersey which was founded by Geraldine Rockefeller Dodge. Annual conformation shows. Site includes heritage, public education, and show information. - http://www.morrisandessex.com/
Middleburg Kennel Club - An AKC licensed all-breed club in Loudoun County, VA. Information about the club and its events, and links. - http://www.middleburgkc.com/
Toledo Kennel Club - This AKC club in Ohio offers obedience and conformation shows, classes, and provides breeder and rescue referrals. This site includes a monthly calendar, membership and club activity information. - http://www.toledokennelclub.org/
Harrisburg Kennel Club - This AKC club in Pennsylvania sponsors conformation shows, eye clinics, and seminars. - http://www.hkc.org
Rochester Minnesota Kennel Club - This AKC affiliated regional kennel club holds a yearly all-breed Conformation and obedience show. Site offers driving directions, membership information, and calendar. - http://rmkc.8m.com
Del Valle Dog Club of Livermore - This California all-breed club holds an annual conformation show. Site features a list of officers, show schedule, and results. - http://www.dvdc.org/
Idaho Capital City Kennel Club - AKC club in Boise, ID, sponsors conformation, obedience and agility events. Site includes contact and meeting information, breeder referral information and coming events. - http://www.icckc.org
Crocus Obedience and Kennel Club - COKC is an active dog training club located in Brandon, Manitoba Canada. We hold classes and events in handling, obedience, flyball, agility, and drill team. - http://www.cokcdogs.com
Brazoria Kennel Club - Sponsors obedience and conformation events. Includes contact and meeting information and notes about dog-related issues. Located in Texas. - http://www.brazoriakennelclub.org
Cape Cod Kennel Club - AKC club in Cape Cod, Massachusetts featuring training and showing in conformation and obedience and breeder referral service. Site includes activity and event information - http://www.capecodkc.org
Sammamish Kennel Club - Serving the greater Eastside are of Puget Sound, since 1971. Site includes membership and activities information. - http://www.sammamishkennelclub.com/
Mensona Kennel Club - This AKC club in Santa Rosa, California sponsors conformation shows and classes. On our site you'll find contacts, show information and pictures of past winners, meeting and handling class information. - http://www.sonic.net/sthomp
Lebanon County Kennel Club - AKC club in Pennsylvania welcomes purebred and mixed breed dogs. Offers obedience and conformation classes, a breeder referral program, matches and point show, and various community services. Site includes club activity and contact information and a calen - http://www.lebanoncountykc.org/
Staten Island Kennel Club - New York club sponsors agility, conformation and obedience competitions. Site has club profile and contact information. - http://www.mindspring.com/~sorus/sikc/index.html
Springfield Kennel Club - AKC dog shows, training classes, Junior Showmanship, and breeder referral in Massachusetts. Site includes information about club activities and shows, as well as breeder referral. - http://springfieldkennelclub.org/
Trap Falls Kennel Club - This Connecticut club offers training classes, dog breed referral, and pet therapy. Site includes lists of club activities. - http://www.trapfalls.org/
Tidewater Kennel Club - This AKC club in the Norfolk / Virginia Beach area sponsors two all-breed dog shows, agility, and obedience trials. Site includes membership and show information. - http://tidewaterkc.org/
Mid Susquehanna Valley Kennel Club - Conducts matches, shows, and obedience trials in accordance with AKC rules in the Sunbury, Pennsylvania area. Site includes membership and show information. - http://www.msvkc.org/
Corpus Christi Kennel Club - This AKC club in Corpus Christi, TX sponsors 2 shows a year: the Jalapeno cluster of shows. Site includes information on getting a new dog and club activities. - http://www.cckc.com/
Avalon Kennel Club - Conformation shows, obedience trials and fun matches for the dogs in St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada. Site includes a calendar of upcoming events and pictures of club activities. - http://www.nfld.com/~avalonkc