Dachshunds-R-Us - Yahoo e-mail group for enthusiasts of all ages. - http://pets.groups.yahoo.com/group/Dachshunds-R-Us/
Dachshund Owner Guide - Guide to the breed offers advice and information about characteristics, health, training and general care. - http://www.dachshund-owner-guide.com
Wiener Dogs WebRing - Complete list of sites in the Ring. - http://www.webring.com/hub?ring=hotdog
Doxie Lovers - A community for admirers, with photos, news, and a forum. - http://www.doxielovers.com/
The Dachshund Network - Information on puppy mills, canine care, a bulletin board, and pet and rescue links. - http://www.thedachshundnetwork.com/
Dachshund WebRing - Links to a variety of websites related to the breed. - http://m.webring.com/hub?ring=dachshundzring
Start4all Dachshund Page - A collection of links to breed and to general canine sites. - http://dachshund.start4all.com
ObedientDachshunds - An e-mail list for those who exhibit their dogs in obedience, agility, tracking, field, earthdog, and conformation events. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/ObedientDachshunds/
For the Love of Dachsies - Breed standard, large collection of links, and a bulletin board. - http://www.dachsie.org/