Aigner Briards - Breeding to the AKC standard since 1972. Breed information, photo gallery, and links. Tannersville, Pennsylvania. -
Briards du Bohemien - Photographs, pedigrees, show results, and links. Belgium. -
Maison du Garde-Barrire, de la - Breeding Briard dogs for confirmation and working abilities. History, breed profile, pedigrees and photographs, and litter information. Austria. [English and German] -
LarWass Kennel Briard - Kennel located in Sweden. Extensive photo gallery, Briard humor, information on the kennel and their dogs. English version available. -
Briards Briards - Multiple breeders with links to breed information, current news, litter announcements, and history of Aladax (New Jersey), Classique (Ohio), and Celebra (New Mexico) kennels. -
Kennel Li-Brie - History, photos, pedigrees, news, past and planned litters of this Nowegian kennel. In Norwegian and English. -
Briard du Champ D'Ardoye - Located in Kachtem, Netherlands close to the French border. Home raised puppies occasionally available. History of the breed, the kennel, recent news and litter announcements. -
Beaugency Briards - Established in 1983 with a focus on sound temperament. Photos of past and present dog. Concise essay on care, upbringing and history. Dogs include British and French bloodlines. -
Chaotic Briards - Features photos, show details, and information about litters. Orangeville, Ontario. -
Briards des Nez Mouillés - Small scale breeder located in Belgium close to the border of France. Includes a short history of the individual dogs, links organized by country, and photo gallery. -
Eiledon Briards - Breeds according to FCI and AKC standards for conformation, temperament, working ability, and soundness. Includes photos, litter announcements, and tips for appropriate care. -
Sendero Briards - Meet the individual dogs, view kennel history, contact information and links page. North Carolina. -
De Hoolhoove Briards - Specializes in Tawny, Black and Grey lines. Photos and contact details are presented. Leersum, Netherlands. [English and Dutch] -
Briards de la Rue de Fleurs - Photographs, pedigrees, health results, and awards. In English and German. Austria. -
Habitat de Dito Kennel - Breeder with photographs of dogs. Holland. -
Trésor de Brie - Briard - Photographs, show results, detailed pedigrees, gallery, planned litters, and links. Sweden. -
Deja Vu Briards - Kennel history and record of show winners, health results, and working titles. Hundreds of photographs, pedigrees, and progeny lists. Cleveland Heights, Ohio. -
Bergers de Brie at Bergers - Photographs and profiles, general breed information, breed history in the Czech Republic, and photo galleries. In Czech and English. Czech Republic. -
Tosselin Briards - Facts, information, pedigrees, links, and lots of pictures. Finland. -