DFL - Your Cat: Indoors Or Out - Reasons people allow their cats outdoors with comments and suggestions. - http://www.ddfl.org/behavior/inout-cats.pdf
The Crazy Cat Lady Kitty Corral - Instructions for building a safe and effective outdoor cat enclosure, also photos and links to related sites. - http://home.comcast.net/~u62/enclosure.html
The FWC and Feral Cats - Clarification of the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission's policy on feral and free-ranging cats on lands owned and managed by the commission. - http://myfwc.com/cats/
My Fellows are Stray Cats - Videos of stray cats in Tokyo, Japan.(Japanese language pack) - http://neko.zeicompany.co.jp/e/
Cat Fanciers: The Outside World - Extensive information about your cat and the outside world. - http://www.fanciers.com/cat-faqs/outside-world.shtml
Animals Australia: Cats - Facts and Myths - Researcher Frankie Seymour examines claims about the impact of cats on the environment. - http://www.animalsaustralia.org/default2.asp?idL1=1274&idL2=1310
Dogs and Cats in the Urban Environment: Cat Issues - Includes an overview of cat issues, cats - pets or pests, predation and types of cats. - http://www.petnet.com.au/dcue/chapt14/Chapt14_Highlights.htm
Outdoor Cats - A photo exhibition and information about stray cats. Also in Japanese.(Japanese language pack) - http://cheecha.cool.ne.jp/cat/index.htm
American Bird Conservancy: Cats Indoors - A campaign to protect birds, other wildlife, and free-roaming cats. Teacher's guide, posters, and fact sheets covering topics such as laws, managed cat colonies, and how to make an outdoors cat happy indoors [PDF]. - http://www.abcbirds.org/cats/
Cats of Rome - The story of the free-roaming cats of the Argentine Tower in Rome. - http://www.romancats.de/
The Pope and the Homeless Cats - Observations by Pope John Paul II about the plight of a homeless cat and her kittens. - http://www.all-creatures.org/hr/hra-popecats.htm
Bird Dog News: The Silent Wildlife Killer - Summary of a five-year University of Wisconsin study to determine the impact of free ranging domestic cats on rural wildlife. - http://bird-dog-news.com/Article/ACat.html
Messybeast.com: The Great Australian Cat Dilemma - A history of the debate on cat control in Australia, including perceived threats to wildlife and the ban of the Bengal breed. - http://www.messybeast.com/ausdilemma.htm
Problem Behaviors in Cats - What to do about “outside” cats and other problem cat behavior. - http://www.fanciers.com/cat-faqs/behavior.shtml#cats_outside
Cat Herding on the Military Range - Efforts by the military to deal with abandoned and feral cats on military bases. Humane control, owners' responsibility with photographs. - http://www.defenselink.mil/specials/cats/index.html
Petnet: Urban Animal Management Conference - Proceedings of the Australian conferences, including cats' impact on wildlife, unowned cat colonies, and cat legislation. - http://www.petnet.com.au/uam/uamcat.html
Petnet: The Metropolitan Domestic Cat - This is a survey of the population characteristics and hunting behaviour of the domestic cat in Australia, which was undertaken to address concern about the possible impact of cats on wildlife. - http://www.petnet.com.au/reark/reark.html