Tiganlea - Located in Lincolnshire. Breed history, pictures, show news, contact details. Also rears Rough Collies. - http://www.tiganlea.co.uk/
Shanlivle - Located in Oxfordshire. Photographs and guestbook. - http://www.shanlivle.co.uk/
Amursko - Located in East Yorkshire. Photographs, links, and guestbook. - http://www.amurusko.co.uk/
Norskmagi - Photographs and guestbook. Located in Cirencester. - http://www.norskmagi.co.uk/
Norskwood - Located near London. Pictures and information about each of the queens and studs. - http://www.norskwood.co.uk/
Forestfriend - Located in Northamptonshire. Pictures, links and contact details. - http://www.forestfriend.co.uk/
Cleasanta - Photographs of the cats located in Fenny Stratford, Milton Keynes. - http://www.cleasanta.co.uk/
ForestDancer - Located in Northampton. Pictures and show news. - http://www.forestdancer.co.uk/
Masercati - Located in Aberdeen, Scotland. Policies, contract, breed information and photographs. - http://www.masercati.co.uk/
Verdicatz - Located in West Sussex. Photographs and links. Pictures of previous litters in their new homes. - http://www.verdicatz.com/
Mjollnir - Based in Ely, Cambridgeshire. Includes photos and information on studs, queens and kittens. - http://www.mjollnir-cats.co.uk/
Kjærligkatt - Includes photo gallery and breed information for thes Wessex breeder. - http://www.kjaerligkatt.co.uk/
Maelstrom - Photographs, stud and litter information for this Southampton breeder. - http://www.wegies.com
Klatringkatt - Photographs, health and breed information from this Lancanshire breeder. - http://www.klatringkatt.com
Solstans - Located in Caerphilly, Wales. Information about the breed and its history, photos, contact information. [May not work with all browsers] - http://www.solstans.co.uk
Alvenkatt - Offering photos and information on litters, studs and queens and the breed. - http://www.alvenkatt.co.uk
Tindrende - Photos and queen information for this breeder located in Bristol. - http://www.tindrende.fsnet.co.uk
Norgeskaukatt - Photos, litter information, and articles from this North Yorkshire breeder. - http://www.norgeskaukatt.co.uk
Landsker - Located in Pembrokeshire, specialising in ticked tabbies and silvers. Includes photos. - http://www.landskerforestcats.com