Absolutely Adorable Lovebirds - Blog aimed at the health and breeding of the species. - http://lovebirdsinfo.blogspot.com
Ramblings and Birdsong - A personal website offering pictures and stories about the webmaster's lovebirds and their antics. - http://www.ramblingsandbirdsong.blogspot.com/
Love is in the Air - A lovebird fanlisting with a gallery for submitting pet photos. - http://lovebird.magic-love.org/
Fischer’s Lovebirds - Gordon McDonald provides information on genetics, breeding, and rearing chicks. - http://fischerlovebirds.bravehost.com/
Flying Gem Aviaries - New England area breeder of peachfaced lovebirds, available in silver, violet, pied, cinnamon, dutch blue, and green. - http://www.flyinggems.com/
Abyssinian Taranta Lovebirds - Join other Abyssinian / Taranta lovers online to discuss husbandry methods. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/AbyssinianLoveBirds/?yguid=45097840
Chris' Zoo - Personals site covering his interests, particularly in keeping, breeding and showing lovebirds. - http://homepage.ntlworld.com/chrisrutt/Lovebirds1PF.html
African Love Bird Society - An international organization dedicated to the keeping, breeding, and showing of lovebirds. Membership information, care and breeding articles, show standards and results. - http://www.africanlovebirdsociety.com/