Quirky Conures - Contains a general overview of conures and how to look after them. - http://www.worldkids.net/critters/pets/birds/conures.htm
The Gold Capped Conure - Information about this species with a few pictures. - http://www.webtrek.com/~pkg/
Mutation Green Cheeked Conures - Breeder who specializes in breeding mutation green cheeked conures in the United Kingdom. Contains pictures of the various mutations, how you can purchase one of their conures and pricing. - http://conures.co.uk
Conure Community - Many pictures of various species, message forum and food recipes. - http://www.circleofwings.com/conurecommunity
Patagonian Conure - Pictures, behavior control, and tips and tricks for new owners. - http://patagonian-conure.com
International Conure Association (ICA) - History of the association, application to join, members only section and pictures of various species. - http://www.conure.org/
Robert Lai's Dusky Conures Gallery - Pictures of the site owner's Dusky conures also videos of toweling and clipping conures nails. - http://www.duskyconure.com
Yahoo Groups: Conure Breeders - Forum for those who are breeding, or interested in breeding conures. Requires moderator approval to join. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/conurebreeders/
Meet the Magnificent Sun Conure - General information, pictures, information on diet and vets, advice and a message forum. - http://www.sunconure.com/
Conures, You Just Gotta Luv 'Em - Information about care, diet, behavior, training and the different species. - http://www.concentric.net/~conure/conures.shtml