Diamond Doves
- Information on the care and breeding of this species, along with ringnecks, capes, and mourning doves. Includes pictures and general information on other native and non-native species.
- http://www.tfn.net/~helenw/
Dovepets.com - Breeder of ringneck doves in various colors. Shipping available via USPS. - http://www.dovepets.com
Krystal's Doves - Information on the behavior and care of ringneck doves, with doves for sale. - http://loviedovies.g2gm.com/
Clarckson's Doves - General information on housing and feeding. - http://www.clarksonstudio.com/doves.htm
The DovePage - A site devoted to the care and keeping of both domestic and exotic doves in aviculture. - http://www.dovepage.com
Doves - General information and pictures of Australian crested, indian ring neck, diamond, zebra, white winged, and common ground doves. - http://home.pacbell.net/msdamron/Dove.html