Shark Photo Gallery - Images of sharks of all sizes, shapes and species. -
Mote Marine Laboratory - Located in Sarasota, Florida and provides shark tank interactive camera, with information on sharks and other marine fish. - - Dedicated to educating the world on sharks and promoting their conservation. Includes fact sheets, resource links, membership details, newsletter and merchandise -
Shark Predation on Sable Island Seals - Short article on shark predation on Sable Island, Nova Scotia, Canada. -
Shark Insider - Index of GORP's articles related to sharks, including where to see them, how to see them safely, and some hair-raising tales of close encounters with sharks around the world. -
Discovery Channel's Shark Week - Information on a variety of sharks, from the Great Whites to Hammerheads. Includes interactive games and shark quiz along with expert shark attack answers. -
Alaska Shark Assessment Program - Investigates the increase of salmon sharks and Pacific sleeper sharks in Alaskan waters. -
Natal Sharks Board - Service organisation that protects beach users in KwaZulu-Natal against shark attack. Site has information about shark attack-prevention and shark research. -
Captain Toms New England Shark Species - Information and photos on shark species found in the waters around New England, including the blue, thresher, mako and porbeagle sharks. -
International Shark Attack File - A database of shark attacks as well as information on how, why, and where sharks attack, and how to avoid becoming a victim. -
The Shark Research Institute - A non-profit, international, scientific organization dedicated to the conservation of sharks. The Institute provides consultants, speakers for schools, clubs and conferences, and serves as a resource for the media, providing slides, videos and data. -
Sharks - Introduction to these predatory marine animals, with additional information regarding shark anatomy, senses, and diversity. -
Florida Sawfish - Dedicated to Florida Sawfish. Includes history, information, and pictures. -
Sharks off the Delaware and Ocean City Maryland Beaches - A look at the most common sharks found off the Delaware and Ocean City Maryland beaches, most notably the common hammerhead, mako, sand shark, spiny dogfish and smooth dogfish sharks, and sandbar shark. -
Shark Research Committee - Behavior and ecology of sharks indigenous to waters off the Pacific Coast, with particular emphasis on potentially dangerous species. -
Bimini Biological Field Station - Information on classes offered at the shark research field station located on Bimini, shark information, this site is headed by Sonny Gruber. -
Gerber's Shark Gallery - Information on different species of sharks, Mediterranean species list, Great White, and shark attacks. Illustrated with drawings. -
Shark Survivor: Recognizing 8 Different Shark Species - Descriptions and illustrations of 8 dangerous shark species know to attack man with rankings of their danger level. -
Shark Attacks - Information about shark attacks with photos of victims and sharks. Shark attack news section and discussion board. -
The Great White Shark - Comprehensive guide to nature's most fearsome predator, the Great White Shark. -
Sharks of Hawaii - An introduction to sharks that are prevalent in Hawaiian waters - especially those species that swim inshore and are aggressive to humans. Safety information about avoiding shark attack is provided. -
The Shark Trust - Information on many different species of shark, species lists, conservation information, great white and shark attack. -
Fiona's Shark Mania - Shark resources and information, including graphics and clip art, stories, links, and the SHARK-L mailing list. -