Squirrel Sanctuary Inc. - A squirrel specific wildlife rehabilitation collective in New York devoted to orphaned and injured squirrels. - http://www.squirrelsanctuary.org/
Squirrel Rescue - Part of Animal Advocates, a non-profit animal rescue and education organization. Rescues and rehabilitates ill, injured and orphaned squirrels and releases them to their homes in the wild. Includes photos and articles about animal care. Located in Los A - http://www.mary.cc/squirrels
Squirrel Rescue and Rehabilitation - Information on squirrel care, diet and how to locate help if you find an injured or orphaned squirrel. - http://www.squirrel-rescue.com
Squirrel Wildlife Rehabilitation - Information on locating a squirrel rehabilatator. Also has photos to help identify baby squirrel ages. - http://www.squirrel-rehab.org/