BCI: Bat Houses - Criteria for successful homes, single-chamber plan and hints to attract residents. Offers purchase of book and video. - http://www.batcon.org/home/index.asp?idPage=47
Cooperative Extension - Factsheet on attracting bats to your yard, by the University of Nebraska. - http://lancaster.unl.edu/enviro/pest/factsheets/265-95.htm
Batnic - Bat houses and their placement including plans, tips, facts and discussion forum. - http://www.batnic.org/
Scotts Bat Houses - Offers free bat house plans; information and links. - http://users.ms11.net/~habitat/bat/bathome.htm
Reighley - Shows the building, assembly, and installation of a design. - http://www.icehouse.net/reighley/bathouse.html
Bat House Journal - Exchange of information for providing alternative bat habitats, and discussion of related topics. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BatHouseJournal/