Michigan Mogul Mashers - Forum, trail reports and directory of snowmobile rentals and lodging. - http://www.mogulmashers.com
Michigan Snowmobile Association - Promotes cooperation between clubs and local government on trail development, legislation and safe snowmobiling. Calendar of events, local and national news. - http://www.msasnow.org/
North Country SnowSeekers - Social club promoting snowmobile safety and riding. Upcoming events, photos, local trail reports. - http://ncss-sc.com
Twisting Trails Snowmobile Club - Twin Lake club offers drag racing information. Membership information. - http://www.twistingtrails.org/
Ausable Valley Snowmobile Association - Promotes safe and responsible snowmobiling in the Grayling area, and strives to develop, improve, and maintain the local trail systems. - http://www.gosledgrayling.org/
Houghton Lake Trailblazers - Nonprofit group whose volunteers help brush, sign and maintain the Michigan area's trail system. Includes activities, photos and a membership application. - http://www.houghtonlaketrailblazers.com
Petoskey Snowmobile Club - Offers club, trail and grooming information, events and local information. - http://www.petoskeysnowmobileclub.org/