Buck's Pro Mount Taxidermy - Full-service shop specializes in all species and provides pet preservation service. Includes prices and photos. Located in Fairland. - http://www.buckspromounttaxidermy.com/
Smith's Custom Taxidermy - Specializing in whitetail deer and turkeys. Includes price list, photos and address. Located in Frankfort. - http://www.smithtaxidermy.com
Downham's Taxidermy - Company information, types of mounts, pricing, and contact form. Studio located in Bedford. - http://www.taxidermyusa.com/downhamstaxidermy
Dale's Black Forest Taxidermy - Company information, types of mounts, pricing, and contact form. Studio located in Avon. - http://members.iquest.net/~dpr
Artistic Taxidermy Studio - Company information, types of mounts, pricing, and contact form. Studio located in Aurora, Indiana. - http://www.artistictaxidermy.com