Heads N' Tails - Located in Somerset. Provides a gallery of items for sale, contacts, and related links. - http://www.headsandtails.co.uk
Kevin Wilmot's Taxidermy - Offers a selection of birds and mammals for private or museum collections. Includes the artist's profile, samples, prices and a map of the location in Hartlepool. - http://www.kevinstaxidermy.co.uk/
Rob Marshall - Providing mounted birds, mammals, fish and trophy heads. Includes a picture gallery, items for sale, the owner's profile, and specimen care. Located in Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire. - http://homepage.ntlworld.com/rob.marshall13/taxidermy/default.htm
D. H. Taxidermy - Located in Cleveland. Provides credentials, contacts, prices, and training courses offered. - http://www.taxidermists.co.uk/
Wild Art Taxidermy - Taxidermy for wild birds and other animals that die through accident or natural causes. Includes gallery, news page, links and resources, and contact details. Located near Cambridge. - http://www.wildarttaxidermy.com/
Paul Stedman Fish Taxidermy - Company information, types of mounts, price list, photo gallery, and contact form. Studio located in Isleworth, Middlesex. - http://www.fishtaxidermy.co.uk
UK Taxidermy - Located in West Yorkshire. Provides a gallery of mounts and items for sale, taxidermy training courses, cases, and contacts. - http://www.taxidermy.co.uk