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Circle T Texas Hunting Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers hunting packages for deer, dove, turkey and quail for individuals and corporate groups. Located in Dimmitt County.
- http://www.circlethuntingranch.com/

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Streater Ranch Exotics Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers hunting for exotic sheep, blackbuck, oryx, whitetail deer, turkey, dove, and quail.
- http://www.worldclassoutdoors.com/streaterexotics.htm

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Caney Creek Lodge Open in a new windowLink Details
- Guided hunting operation offering whitetail, Russian boar, feral hogs, oryx, fallow, axis, and other exotics. Located in Teague.
- http://www.caneycreeklodge.net/

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Leon River Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Hunts for quail, pheasant, dove, duck, deer, feral hogs, chukar and wild turkeys near Cisco.
- http://www.leonriverranch.com/Ranch.htm

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WKM Outdoors Open in a new windowLink Details
- South Texas outfitter offering guided hunting services in Dimmitt, Frio, La Salle, Uvalde, Webb and Zavala counties.
- http://www.wkmoutdoors.com/

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Sonora Chamber of Commerce Hunting Lease Guide Open in a new windowLink Details
- Directory of leases and guides for the area.
- http://www.sonoratx-chamber.com/Hunting.htm

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Briscoe Exotic Game Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers year-round, guided hunting of exotic game. Located in Alvin, TX.
- http://www.briscoeexoticranch.com/

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4J Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- East Texas ranch offering hunting packages for wild hogs, deer and predators.
- http://www.4jranch.net

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3P Outfitting Open in a new windowLink Details
- Hunting service offering guided and semi-guided hunts for large and small game. Located in Concan, TX.
- http://www.3poutfitting.com/

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BDP Hunting Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offering hunting packages for deer, hogs, duck and quail on the banks of the Trinity River. Located in eastern Leon County.
- http://www.bdphunting.com/

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Dawson Whitetail Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers hunting in South Texas for Whitetail, Exotics, Hogs, Ram and other game. Located south of Sabinal.
- http://www.dawsonwhitetailranch.com/

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Kerrville Hunting Information Open in a new windowLink Details
- Directory of leases and guides in the area.
- http://www.kerrvilletx.com/Hunting_%20Page.html

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Jacobs Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Deer, wild hog, quail, dove, and turkey hunting near Dilley.
- http://www.jacobsranchintexas.com/

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Llano, Texas Hunting Directory Open in a new windowLink Details
- Local landowners offering hunts and hunting leases.
- http://www.llanochamber.org/index.pl?id=2591&isa=Category&op=show

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Green's Outfitters Open in a new windowLink Details
- Dove hunting in Throckmorton and Young Counties.
- http://www.puddinsdove.com/

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Big B Exotics Open in a new windowLink Details
- Hunt Whitetail, Fallow, Axis, Blackbuck, RedDeer, Sika, Oryx, Eland, and Turkey.
- http://bigbexotics.com/

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Brownwood Area Hunting Open in a new windowLink Details
- Directory of leases and guides in the area.
- http://www.brownwoodchamber.org/hunting_lease.htm

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Hunting in Stephens County Open in a new windowLink Details
- Hunting lease and guide information for the Breckenridge area.
- http://www.breckenridgetexas.com/hunting.asp

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Pintail Farms Open in a new windowLink Details
- North Texas waterfowl hunting service offers package duck hunts or annual duck and upland bird hunting memberships. Located north of Dallas near Monkstown.
- http://www.pintailfarms.com/

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Buck Valley Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Hill Country ranch offers hunting packages for Whitetail, Axis, Blackbuck, Fallow Deer and other exotic game. Located near Center Point.
- http://www.buckvalley.com

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Albany Hunting Open in a new windowLink Details
- Directory of leases and guides in the Albany area.
- http://www.albanytexas.com/Hunting&Nature/Hunting&Nature.htm

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South Wind Hunting Adventures Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offering guided hunts for dove, teal, duck, geese and sandhill crane on privately managed land. Based in Eagle Lake.
- http://www.southwindguides.com/

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White Wing Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers fishing and hunting packages in the Rio Grande Valley. Located near Brownsville.
- http://www.whitewingranch.com/

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Turk Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- White-tailed deer and turkey hunting for families near Sheffield in West Texas.
- http://www.turkranch.com/

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Thorns and Fangs Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers guided South Texas whitetail deer hunts.
- http://www.thornsfangs.net/

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Mertz Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Whitetail deer and turkey hunting leases and guided hunts near Eldorado.
- http://www.eldoradotx.com/mertz/

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Cedar Springs Hog Hunting Open in a new windowLink Details
- East Texas wild hog hunting for trophy boar in the Piney Woods region.
- http://www.cedarspringshoghunts.com/

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Border Hog Hunts Open in a new windowLink Details
- South Texas brush country ranch offering guided hunts for whitetail deer and feral hogs. Located north of Carrizo Springs.
- http://www.borderhoghunts.com/

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Catto-Gage Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Package hunting trips for deer, turkey, and exotic game in the Texas hill country. Located near Kendalia.
- http://www.cattogageranches.com/

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Adobe Lodge Open in a new windowLink Details
- Hunt whitetail deer, mule deer and spring turkey in Texas.
- http://www.adobelodge.com/

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Hunting in Brady, McCulloch County Open in a new windowLink Details
- Directory of leases and guides in the area.
- http://www.bradytx.com/hunting1/index.html

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Crockett County Hunting Open in a new windowLink Details
- Hunting guides and leases for the Ozona area.
- http://ozona.com/hunting-leases.htm

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Rio Seco Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offering guided hunting trips for Whitetail Deer, Axis Deer, Turkey, and Wild Hogs in the hill country.
- http://www.rio-seco.com/

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Y Bar Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offering dove, quail, turkey, hog, and whitetail deer hunting in South Texas. Located near Tilden.
- http://www.ybarranch.com/

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Coastal Wings Open in a new windowLink Details
- Guided hunts for duck, goose, sandhill crane, upland birds, and alligators on the Texas coast.
- http://www.coastalwings.com/

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Hawkeye Hunting Club Open in a new windowLink Details
- Upland bird hunting in east Texas for quail, pheasant, chukar. Includes accommodations, bird dogs, and professional guides.
- http://www.hawkeyehunting.com/

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MC Longwater Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Private ranch with facilities offering whitetail, exotic, turkey and quail hunts.
- http://www.mclongwater.com

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Bwanas Guide Services Open in a new windowLink Details
- Waterfowl hunting in the Trinity River Corridor on managed, private land.
- http://www.bwanasguideservices.com/

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Big Honker Guide Service Open in a new windowLink Details
- Geese, duck, sandhill crane, and dove hunts in the Lubbock area.
- http://www.bighonkerguideservice.com/

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King Ranch Hunting Open in a new windowLink Details
- Includes contact information, prices, seasons, and species available.
- http://www.king-ranch.com/hunting_overview.html

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Lazy R Hunts Open in a new windowLink Details
- Whitetail deer hunting. Located in Maverick County.
- http://www.lazyrhunts.com

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Offering Exotic & whitetail hunts Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers hunting for whitetail, axis deer, blackbuck antelope, fallow deer, red stag, scimitar oryx and Texas dall sheep.
- http://www.deepsouthgameranch.com

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South Texas Deer Company Open in a new windowLink Details
- Breeding program produces Grey-bodied, South Texas-looking deer. Located in Laredo.
- http://www.southtexasdeercompany.com

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JKK Hunting Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Guided hunts for whitetail deer, turkey, elk, black buck antelope and axis deer. Located in the hill country west of Austin.
- http://www.jkkranch.com

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North Morgan Creek Ranche Open in a new windowLink Details
- Whitetail deer, exotic, turkey and wild hog hunts near Burnet.
- http://www.northmorgancreek.com/

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Opperman Trophy Whitetails Open in a new windowLink Details
- Guided hunts for whitetails and exotics. Located near Coleman, Texas on a high-fenced 1200 acre spread.
- http://www.oppermantrophywhitetails.com

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Texas Dove and Waterfowl Open in a new windowLink Details
- South Texas Duck and Goose hunting with a professional guide.
- http://www.texasdoveandwaterfowl.com/

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Callaghan Ranch LTD Open in a new windowLink Details
- Hunt whitetail deer, turkey, javelina, feral hogs, dove, quail, bobcats and mountain lions. Located in the south Texas brush.
- http://www.callaghanranchltd.net

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Texas Safari Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers Axis, Blackbuck, Fallow and Red Deer as well as Nubian Ibex hunting.
- http://www.texassafari.com

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Texas Outdoor Organizers Open in a new windowLink Details
- Texas' state wide hunting and fishing trip organizer.
- http://www.outdoorstexas.com

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Chicken Ranch Shotgun Sports Open in a new windowLink Details
- Quail, chukar, pheasant, deer and hog hunting packages. Located in the East Texas woodlands.
- http://www.chicken-ranch.net

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White Wing Farms Open in a new windowLink Details
- Dove hunting packages during the months of September and October on 1,500 acres of cultivated fields.
- http://www.whitewingfarms.net

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San Saba County Hunting Open in a new windowLink Details
- Directory of guides and leases in the area.
- http://www.sansabachamber.com/Hill_Country_Hunting.htm

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Heartsill Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Hunting and recreational ranch near Walnut Springs.
- http://www.heartsillranch.com/

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Mason County Hunting Leases Open in a new windowLink Details
- Directory of guides and leases in the area.
- http://www.masontxcoc.com/hunting.htm

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101 Bar Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Hunting for deer, dove, quail, hogs, turkey, javelina, and exotics.
- http://www.101barranch.com/

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Foster Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Whitetail deer, quail, turkey, and dove hunts south of Ballinger near Lake Ivie.
- http://www.huntinfo.com/fosterranch/

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Twistflower Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Turkey, blue and bobwhite quail, dove, whitetail and mule deer, and javelina hunting between Iraan and Big Lake.
- http://www.twistflowerranch.com/

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Rafter E Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- High fence hunting for whitetail deer near Brownwood.
- http://www.raftereranch.com/

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Double J Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Whitetail, turkey, and exotic hunts near Junction.
- http://www.doublejranchltd.com/

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T-enCino Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Dove, whitetail, turkey, and exotics hunts in Brown County.
- http://www.tbarencino.com/

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10 Mile Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers whitetail deer, quail, and turkey hunts near Water Valley.
- http://www.10mileranch.com/

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Millar Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers exotic, whitetail deer, and turkey hunts near Eden.
- http://www.millarranch.com/

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CW Outfitting Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offering hunts for exotics, whitetail deer, and turkey in west Texas. Also offers bowfishing for rough fish and tilapia.
- http://www.cwoutfitters.com/

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North Mill Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers exotic and whitetail hunts near Junction.
- http://www.northmillranch.com/

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Schneider Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Private ranch offering whitetail deer, turkey, and feral hog hunting near San Saba.
- http://www.schneiderranch.com/

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Vinegarroon Wildlife Open in a new windowLink Details
- Turkey, whitetail and mule deer, mountain lion, and bird hunting near Del Rio.
- http://www.texaswhitetailhunts.com/

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Medina County Hunting Open in a new windowLink Details
- Directory of leases and guides in the area.
- http://www.hondochamber.com/Hunting/Hunting.html

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Waterfowl Outfitters Unlimited Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offering goose, teal, duck and sandhill crane hunting.
- http://www.waterfowloutfittersunlimited.com/

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Montaña Rocosa Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Hunting ranch near Utopia for exotic and native species.
- http://www.montanarocosa.com/

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WeDuck.com Open in a new windowLink Details
- Provides waterfowling trips for very small parties into the Texas WMA coastal marsh. Includes guide service information, a list of recommended gear and a contact form.
- http://www.weduck.com/

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Westbrook Hunting Open in a new windowLink Details
- Working cattle ranch offers trophy whitetail deer hunting and accommodations. Includes package details, photos and directions. Located near Sterling City.
- http://www.westbrookhunting.com/

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Junction, Texas Hunting Open in a new windowLink Details
- Leases and guides in the area.
- http://www.junctiontexas.net/hunting.htm

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Alpine, Texas Hunting Open in a new windowLink Details
- Directory of leases and guides in the area.
- http://www.alpinetexas.com/hunting.html

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The Thompson Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Ranch is nestled against the Colorado River in the Texas Hill Country and offers an abundance of wildlife. Camping, lodging, and guides available.
- http://www.thethompsonranch.com

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Blocker Hunting Open in a new windowLink Details
- South Texas guided hunts offering trophy bucks, private hunts, and cabins.
- http://www.blockerhunting.com

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Full Straps Duck Club Open in a new windowLink Details
- Duck hunting club in North Texas. Family based with limited memberships.
- http://www.fullstraps.com

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Parker and Parker Quarter Circle 7 Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Hunting near Alpine for elk, deer, aoudad sheep, blue quail, pronghorn, wild turkey, mountain lion, and javelina.
- http://www.quartercircle7.com/

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M.Y. Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Family-owned and operated ranch offers hunting for wild hogs, quail, pheasant, and deer. Includes details, photos, rates, a map and driving directions. Located in Crockett.
- http://www.my-ranch.com

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1A Texas Deer Hunting Open in a new windowLink Details
- Offers guided and semi-guided hunting trips in various Texas counties.
- http://www.1atexasdeerhunting.com/

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Las Auras Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Full-guided hunting ranch with Whitetail deer, boar, Mouflon rams and exotics.
- http://www.texas-hunts.com

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Texas Goose Hunting Open in a new windowLink Details
- The Tyler family offers guided trips to goose hunters in various Texas locations.
- http://gooseshoot.com

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Knolle Farm and Ranch Open in a new windowLink Details
- Waterfowl, deer, dove, quail, wild hog, and turkey hunting near Sandia.
- http://www.knolle.com/hunting.htm

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