Western Oregon Outfitters - Offering hunts for trophy class deer, elk, bear and turkey. Includes dates, rates, photos and a contact form. - http://www.westernoregonoutfitters.com
Arrowhead Outfitter - Offers guided big game hunts in Oregon, including elk hunt, mule deer hunt, waterfowl hunt and turkey hunt. - http://www.arrowheadoregon.com/
TREO Ranches - Pheasant and chukar hunting, guided and non-guided packages available. Features prices, locations, and reservations. - http://www.treoranches.com
Outback Ranch Outfitters - Guided hunts for elk, deer, bear, turkey, sheep, and mountain goats in the wilderness areas of Northeast Oregon. Drop camps available. Features prices and contact information. - http://www.oregonelkhunter.com
Honker Inn Lodge - Fully guided hunts for geese, ducks, quail, dove, grouse, deer and antelope on private land in Oregon and California. Includes hunts available and contact information. - http://www.honkerinnlodge.com/
Battle Creek Outfitters - Professional guide service for archery and rifle hunts and drop camps for Rocky Mountain Elk and Mule Deer Central in Eastern Oregon. - http://www.battlecreekoutfitters.com
Oregon's Northside Outfitters - Guided hunting for deer and elk in eastern Oregon Northside Unit 47. Includes contact information and information about the area to be hunted. - http://www.northside-outfitters.com/
Moss Springs Packing - Licensed packers, and outfitters in Eastern Oregon. - http://www.mosssprings.com/