Ring-necked Pheasant Data - Biological data, life cycle information, and habitat requirements compiled by the US Department of Agriculture. - http://www.fs.fed.us/database/feis/wildlife/bird/phco/index.html
Pheasants Forever, Minnesota, Anoka County Chapter - Committed to the preservation of upland bird habitat, and the conservation of other natural habitats, including wetland, forest and farm. Located in the northern suburbs of Minneapolis, MN. - http://www.anokapf.org/
Pheasant Hunting Page - Information about places to hunt, recipes for pheasant and hunter's bulletin board. - http://www.pheasanthuntpages.com/
Pheasants Forever - Non-profit conservation organization created to protect and enhance pheasant and wildlife populations throughout North America. - http://www.pheasantsforever.org/