Factor, Mara - Travels and Trails - 1999 journal for 6-month thru-hike and 2001 segment hikes, plus other non AT hiking journals. - http://friends.backcountry.net/m_factor
Moak - Fallingwaters - Journal and pictures of couple's thru-hike in 1977 and 700 mile section hike 20 years later in 1997. - http://www.fallingwater.com/
Bear Meat - Account of 65-year-old man's segmented trek in 2004 with entries for the planning and training that started in 2002. - http://morningbird.typepad.com/appalachiantrail/
Billy - PureBound - Photos, journal and gear list from thru-hike in 2003, with links to journal of hiking partner. - http://purebound.com/appalachian_trail.htm
LaRue, Rick - On The Trail - Journal and photos from 1972 and 2005 thru-hike, also has GPS tracking on interactive map for 2005 trek. - http://nemo.une.edu/at/
Diane - Max's Hiking Adventures - Journal, pictures, gear list and answers to frequently asked questions about her 2001 trek. - http://dragonflyvalley.com/DragonflyValleyHike/
Howard, Steve - Journal, photos and gear from though-hike in 1999 and pictures from 5 year reunion. - http://hlwilson.home.mindspring.com/steve/
Huckeba, Mark - TrailDawg - Photos, journal, planning information and answers to frequent questions about his thru-hike in 2004. - http://steve3717.brinkster.net/traildawg/
Strackeljahn, Alan - Gonzo - Journal from 1983 describing the thrills and hardships of hiking 2138 miles from Georgia to Maine using text and images from each day of the journey. - http://www.2000milehike.com
Sneetch - Five Million Steps - Daily journal entries, maps and photos of six month trek. - http://www.kodak.com/US/en/corp/features/appalachianTrail/
Hearn, Megan - Pedro's Journal - Journal of hiking and hitchhiking on segments of the trail in 1997. - http://www.trailquest.com/megan/
Kirsch, Kurt - Trip journals and photos for segment hikes between 1996 and 1998. - http://www.kurttrail.com