The Under Achievers Cave Exploration Group - Based in Kelowna serving as the centre for organized caving in the central Okanagan area of British Columbia. Includes contact details. -
Vancouver Island Cave Exploration Group - Information on local area, conservation, newsletter, contacts, meetings, cave rescue and karst management. -
British Columbia Speleological Federation - The BCSF coordinates group activities in conservation, safety, rescue, exploration, education and technical expertise. Includes publications, code of conduct and group members. -
Central Island Caving Club - Based in Vancouver Island area and dedicated to conservation, safety, and fellowship. Includes Constitution, membership requirements, events schedule, photos and contact information. -
Nibelungen Speleo Club - Meets in the region of Ottawa/Hull to promote fellowship. Explores caves in provinces of Quebec and Ontario and in the states of New York and West Virginia. Includes Constitution, photo album, membership and contact information. Bilingual French/Englis -
Alberta Speleological Society - The recognized caving authority in the province of Alberta, dedicated to the exploration, study, and conservation of caves in the Canadian Rockies. Has chapters in Calgary, Lethbridge, Edmonton and Jasper. Includes cave guides, membership information, gal -
Toronto Caving Group - Founded in 1967. Offers exploration trips, workshops, practice sessions and social events. Includes upcoming events, membership information, library listings, photo gallery and contacts. -