BCRA Cave Surveying Group - Covers all aspects of cartography including instruments, techniques, technology, data recording, data archiving, software, drawing up and presentation. Sponsors biannual field meets and projects. Includes contact information. - http://www.sat.dundee.ac.uk/~arb/surveying/csg.html
Cave Data Exchange Format Working Group - Aiming to establish a hardware and software independent format for the transfer and archiving of speleological data. - http://www.cavexml.uis-speleo.org/
CaveSurveys.com - Worldwide cave survey database, with limited viewing of surveys and links to the survey publishers. - http://www.cavesurveys.com
CaveScript XML - A cave survey and map data format for storing all information about a cave survey or an entire cave map. - http://www.speleonics.com.au/cavescript/index.html
Cavesurvey.com - Underwater cave survey techniques, links to cave survey computer programs, and cave survey projects in Florida and the Bahamas. - http://cavesurvey.com
Cave Surveying Notes - A detailed paper on the treatment and minimising of errors in surveying. - http://www.sat.dundee.ac.uk/~arb/surveying/surveynotes.html
The Auriga Project - Information on developing an electronic surveying tool to make cave surveying easier and less error-prone. - http://home.nikocity.de/andymon/hfg/auriga4.htm
Cave Surveying Discussion Group - Post a question or browse the archives. - http://lists.tartarus.org/mailman/listinfo/cave-surveying
Cave Survey Data in XML - The proposal and ongoing effort to establish XML based standards for the representation of cave survey data. - http://www.psc-cavers.org/xml
3D Modeling of Phreatic Karst Caves - An analysis of cave geometry modelling methods by Todd R Kincaid, USA. - http://research.gg.uwyo.edu/kincaid/3dcave.htm
Compass Points - The Journal of the BCRA Cave Surveying Group. - http://www.chaos.org.uk/survex/cp/