Leek Slot Stox Club - Club rules and regulations. Gallery, news pages and contact information. - http://www.leekslotstoxclub.co.uk/
Mid-America HO Racing - Club rules, schedules and results. Gallery of member's tracks. - http://www.mahorkc.com/
Hannes's Vintage Slotcar Collection - Pictures of vintage slot cars from '60s manufacturers. - http://members.chello.at/johannes.durst/slotcar/revell2/revell2.html
Autorama - Slot Cars - Extensive gallery of large car collection, both vintage and new. - http://www.agfilho.com
South City Raceways - A 1/32 Slot Car racing group, located in Adelaide, Australia. Racing on a variety of slot car tracks, all wood and hand routed. - http://www.southcityraceways.com
SanPhoeno - Club of 1/32 slot car racing on routed, wood, board and tracks. Tips, tricks pictures about how to make a track. Photo gallery and group information. Brisbane, Australia. - http://www.sanphoeno.com/page.php?page=home
HO Slot Cars Mailing List - Covers all aspects of owning, modelling, racing and collecting HO slot cars. - http://ho-slotcars.net
HO Slot Car Scrapbook - A scrapbook with scanned pages of 1962 Aurora catalogue, press releases, newspaper clippings and promotional materials. - http://www.henryharnish.com/
3:16 HO Racing - St. Louis, MO. Lots of HO racing information and hints and tips for the beginner. - http://www.316ho-racing.com
The London Scalextric Club - Details of location, rules and regulations for this club, first established in 1977. - http://www.londonscalextricclub.co.uk
Southend Slot Racing Club - UK based. Contains pictures of scratchbuilt cars, how to articles, racing news and club history. - http://www.ssrcworld.com/
J-Slot - Features information on the Japanese racing scene, with championship results, links to raceways, articles and streaming video. - http://homepage.mac.com/akitani/jslot/
Scratchbuilt.com - Dedicated to the design and build of handmade piano wire and brass slot car chassis. Lots of photos and articles. - http://getyourwebsitehere.com/scratchbuilt/
Australian Slot Car Raceway Directory - Covering 1/32, 1/24 and H.O. scales and including both private and commercial venues. - http://www.auslot.com/trackdir/
Nomad Slot Racing Club - Meets weekly in North San Diego County, USA, to race HO, 1/32nd and 1/24th scale cars at member's home tracks, local clubs and commercial raceways. Organizes Dino Derby Slot Car Reunion swap meet, show and race. - http://www.nomadslotracing.com/
Mojo Raceway - Routed Wooden Slotcar Track Pictures of building and racing. - http://www.mojoraceway.info.se
Monaco Gran Prix Miniature Racing Club - St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Race schedules, rules etc for members who race at various circuits. - http://www.mgpmrc.org
Houston Scale Auto Racing Club - Houston, Texas. Provides an active program for slot car racers. Primarily dedicated to 1/32 true scale hardbody cars, but all scales are welcome. Meeting place for collectors and scratchbuilders too. - http://www.hsarc.net
ARRA Southport - Southport, Merseyside, UK. Running all BSCRA classes and also organising events where members of the public can race. Features a forum, news and results. - http://www.arra.org.uk
SlotForum - Dedicated forum for discussing 1/32nd Scalextric cars, tracks, news and events. - http://www.slotforum.com
Club 400 - Information about Heads-Up (1/24th-1/25th) scale Drag Racing. With class and event details. - http://www.club400.8m.com
Chicago Race Club - Racing 1/24th and 1/32nd cars. Details rules and results. - http://www.raceclub.us/
Adrian's Slotcar World - Details a loft track build and includes hints and tips on cleaning the track, repairing, modifying and building cars as well as scenery and spectators. - http://www.adriansslotcarworld.com
Avondown Raceway - Design and construction of Aurora AFX HO scale home slotcar tracks. Also features a gallery of cars. - http://www.avondown.com/slots
Oxford Scalextric Club - UK based. Details of track, race night format and classes. - http://www.oxonscalextricclub.co.uk
Yahoo Slot Car Club - Photo gallery, message board, and weekly Monday night live chat. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/slotcars2/
Aldershot Knights Slot Stox Club - 1/32nd scale car racing based on F1/F2 Stock cars as raced on small ovals in the UK. Rules, construction guides, gallery and results. - http://groups.yahoo.com/group/akssc/
Archer Raceway - Vancouver, Canada. Photos and videos of various routed wooden tracks with scenery. - http://www.oldslotracer.com/
The Anoraks' Guide to sts 4x4 - Details of the slot car system made in the late 1980's by Exin, the Spanish Scalextric company. History and photos. - http://www.zcarslotracing.co.uk/sts-guide/stsg-contents.htm
Slot Car Amazing Shot - Galleries of enthusiasts on-track photos of their cars. - http://www.amazingslot.com
SlotSide - Features technical hints and tips, articles, forum and links to clubs worldwide. - http://www.slotside.com
HO Slot Car Racing - Information on collecting, restoring, track layout design and electronic lap counters. - http://www.hoslotcarracing.com/
Slotcar Racing Portal in South Africa - Details clubs and championship rules. Offers technical tips, photos and newsletter. - http://www.scalextric.co.za
SoCal USRA - The Southern California Regional Division of the USRA. - http://www.socalusra.com
1/32nd Slot Cars and Statics - Features detailed articles on building and modifying slot cars and static models. Photo gallery. - http://www.mgussin.freeuk.com
Fleischmann Auto-Rallye - Offers history of the brand with photo gallery, track layouts, tips and message board. - http://www.auto-rallye.esenet.dk/
Luton Slot Car Club - Slot Car and Scalextric racing club. Details of tracks, cars and rules. - http://www.lutonslotcars.com
British Slot Car Racing Association - Racing organization in the UK with photos, links, technical information, and club track directory for clubs in Europe. - http://www.bscra.fsnet.co.uk/
Dayton Slot Car Racing Club - Information regarding classes, rules, and schedule of HO Championship. - http://www.daytonslots.com
National Scalextric Collectors Club - UK based. Club for people interested in collecting, racing and modifying Scalextric, Ninco, and SCX cars. - http://www.nscc.co.uk
The Old Weird Herald - Magazine. Racing news, product information, reviews, technical tips, links and forum. - http://www.oldweirdherald.com
Scale Drag Racing Association - Contact and information details for the SDRA. - http://www.slotcar.com/sdra/index.html
Slot Car Garage - Dedicated to the hobby of home electric slot car racing and collecting. Covers all scales including 1/32nd and HO. - http://www.slotcargarage.com
HO Scale Slot Cars - Illustrated directory of HO slot cars. - http://www.hoslotcars.com