Mad Mick's Lives Steam and Model Engineering Mania - All the latest gossip and news in model engineering and a detailed account of the building of a 1/8 scale live steam Britannia loco. Lots of photos too. -
Modeling the Norfolk and Western Railway - A focus on modeling the N&W in N Scale c. 1968. Includes a prototype locomotive roster for December 1968, with a collection of prototype motive power photographs from that period. - - An O gauge web page with information, pictures and reviews of Lionel Trains, MTH, and other O gauge railroading. -
Large Scale Central - For the large scale train enthusiast. Forums for discussion, a chat room, classified ads, an auction, photos and a pike-of-the-month. -
51L - Manufacturers a range of finely detailed 4mm (1:72) models for the discerning british railway modeller. -
Kiva Design - An eclectic collection of stuff, with the core being downloadable .pdf documents which are plans for 1/24 scale "garden railroad" buildings. Plus high quality downloadable greetings cards, and software. -