Carl Brummer's Garden Railroads - Photographs of two foot narrow gauge railroads running Maine type and industrial trains. -
Toenail Ridge Shortline - Scratchbuilt railway located in Belair, South Australia. Includes construction, modifications, and plantings. -
Taw Vale Garden Railway - Photo galleries, instructions for laying track and building a track base and platforms, webcam, and forums. -
Rickety Shed Light Railway - Development of a live steam garden railway built to a scale of 16mm to the foot and running on 32mm gauge track. -
McDonnell Garden Railway - Photographs of layouts, from train trips, and of the LGB G scale train factory in Germany. -
Family Garden Trains - Articles, photographs and information about the development of Paul Race's New Boston and Donnels Creek Railroad, product recommendations, and links. -
Compton Ridge Miniature Railway - Isle of Man and Manx Railways in miniature. 5 inch live steam miniature engineering with detailed technical information. -
Castagnola South Light Railway - Follows the progress of an enthusiast's 16mm steam railway as it expands around the back garden in Hampshire, England. Also includes video clips and local events. -
The C.A.&J. Garden Railway - Photographs of locomotives, buildings, and rolling stock. -
Bedford Falls Garden Railroad - Includes photo galleries of Jim White's G scale outdoor layout and galleries available for others to share photos. -