Rochester Institute of Technology Model Railroad Club - Rochester, NY. Founded in early 1996 to promote the hobby of model railroading and to preserve the history of Rochester's railroads. The HO scale Rochester and Irondequoit Terminal is being constructed by members. -
Central New York Modelers - Our club has award winning modules and has presented at the National Train Show of the NMRA. We are a HO modular club where individual members own each module. -
CNY Model Railroad Club and Historical Society - Located in the old New York Central station building in Elbridge, NY, club operates the Delaware and Ontario HO scale model railroad. -
Hopewell Junction Model Railroad Club - Tour the Central New England Railroad of the 1920's on our historically accurate modular HO layout. -
Rensselaer Railroad Heritage Exhibit - Troy, NY. Information, photos, books, railroad store and more about this club, featuring the famous HO scale New England Berkshire and Western Railroad. -
Central Operating Lines, Ltd. - A group of O-Gauge train collectors, operators, and modelers where the club owns the layout and the members own the trains. Located in Ronkonkoma. -