Bay State Model Railroad Museum - Railroad models including HO, O, and N scales. Located in Roslindale. -
Worcester Model Railroaders - Features a 40' by 60' HO scale layout, history and activities. Worcester. -
Tech Model Railroad Club of MIT - Cambridge, MA. An MIT student activity over 50 years old. This site contains information on the club, both past and present. It currently serves as our 'archive' for material from the old club room. -
South Shore Model Railroad Club - Hingham, MA. Founded in 1938, the South Shore Model Railway Club Inc. is one of the oldest HO model railroad clubs in the United States. The club is in the process of moving to its new home. -
Cape Cod Model Railroad Club - HO scale model designed to simulate the Old Colony Division of the New York, New Haven and Hartford Railroad between Boston and Hyannis. -
Amherst Railway Society - Amherst, Massachusetts railroad enthusiast group that includes members of the Amherst Belt Lines, a HO modular railroad. -