Runcorn & District Scale Model Boat Club - Meets in Halton Village and provides links, information on joining, and a list of upcoming exhibitions. -
The Society of Model Shipwrights - Exact scale modelling of maritime subjects to museum standards: includes pictures, calendar of events. -
Kenwith Model Boat Club - Building and sailing scale model boats in north Devon: events, pictures, contact information. -
North Cheshire Marine Fine Scale Association - A comprehensive site, with construction notes, images of completed models, and association information. -
North West Scale Model Boat Club - North West England club containing details about the club, general information, tips, and pictures of interest to other modelers. -
City of Plymouth Model Boat Club - Members include scale, static, steam, yacht and straight runner modelers and provide a calendar of events, meeting information, links, and photographs of members' work which include a Lego model of the Titanic. -