Mark Vance Historical Entertainments - Professional historical interpretation and stage combat. Characters ranging from mounted medieval knights to Napoleonic duelists. -
A Knight To Remember - Carlo Tuzzio impersonates a medieval knight in full armor for school programs and other educational events; photos and contact information. -
Tames Alan - Costumed lectures on women's roles in five eras: Greek, Roman, Celtic, Elizabethan, and Victorian. Photographs, calendar, historical consulting. -
The Victorian Lady - Two-woman show. Demonstrations include Victorian tea parties, period fashion shows of bridal and maternity customs. Fees and contact information. -
Knight for Hire - Reenactor with full armor and horse portrays military life in the Age of Chivalry for educational and general events; photo gallery and contact information. -
Tudor Times - Professional living history team bring to life the times of the ordinary Tudor in the home, field, town and Manor House, for school programs and other public events. Contact information. -
Renaissance Man - Christopher Davis portrays Edward Alleyn, an English Renaissance gentleman and actor of Elizabethan Tragedy, and other roles for schools and general educational events. Biography, photos, contact information. -
Living History Australia - Organization of professional reenactors bring history to life, Egyptian Pharaohs to Colonial Australia, for Australian educational programs and other public events. Program descriptions, contact information. -
Living History Associates, Ltd. - Organization brings four centuries of memorable history to life for education and entertainment to audiences throughout Virginia, neighboring states, and outside of the U.S.A.; keynote speakers, role playing historical characters, period musicians, tour g -
SoloTogether - New England-based organization of reenactors who portray political figures from Nineteenth and Twentieth Century America. Membership information, list of characters, events schedule, photos. -
R J Lindsey - Actor portrays various historical figures, including Franklin D. Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Johann Sebastian Bach, Carr Van Anda, and Biblical characters from the Hebrew and Greek scriptures; biographical and contact information, performance schedule. -