Dame Helen's Pennsic XXXI Classes - Dame Helen's three classes from Pennsic. Cotehardies from Greenland Gowns, Houpelande Theory Class, and 14th century sewing and textile information. - http://www.damehelen.com/
Briaca's Demesne - Sharing pictures and patterns. - http://www.briaca.com/index.html
The Needles Excellency - Medieval/Elizabethan weblog focused on needlework and embroidery. - http://laren.blogspot.com/
The Frazzled Frau - Pictures of 16th century German women's clothing. - http://frazzledfrau.glittersweet.com/
La Cotte Simple - Articles and instructions for making various garments. - http://www.cottesimple.com/
Chronology of Medieval Boys' Clothing Styles - A general overview of aspects relating to the topic such as experiences of childhood, cultural influences and class issues. Contains links to more detailed discussions of some sections. - http://histclo.com/chron/med/medieval.html
Viking Resources for the Re-enactor - Several articles on subjects of interest to Viking Age re-enactors, by Carolyn Priest (Dora Sharptooth) - http://www.cs.vassar.edu/~capriest/vikresource.html
The Byzantine World - Information on the Byzantine period, including clothing - http://www.blacktauna.com/sca/byzantine.html
The Shoulderless Cotehardie - Instructions for altering a commercial dress pattern into a cotehardie - http://www.maybe.org/~rodmur/sca/Cotehardie.html
Historical Closet - Research and demonstrations for construction of a variety of Medieval garments. Articles spanning 1350 to 1600 in Western Europe. - http://www.people.cornell.edu/pages/ms154/Closet/default.htm
Le Chateau Michel - Handouts for classes and longer articles on bliauts, cotehardies and more - http://www.chateau-michel.org/
Braies - Brief description of Braies in 13th Century Europe, with image - http://www.bumply.com/Medieval/braies01.html
Early Period Dress - Discusses basic garb with some links - http://cunnan.sca.org.au/wiki/Early_Period_Dress
Clothing of Norman Women - Discussion of 11th and 12th century female norman clothing styles, including images. - http://freespace.virgin.net/sarah.doyle/KIT.HTM
Footwear of the Middle Ages - An ongoing and comprehensive examination of the history and development of footwear and shoemaking techniques through the middle ages to the end of the 16th century. - http://www.personal.utulsa.edu/~marc-carlson/shoe/SHOEHOME.HTM
Liz Jones Home Page - Articles on making various Italian garments (Balzo, Farsetto). - http://home.earthlink.net/~lizjones429/
The Well Dressed Wench - Medieval & Renaissance - Pages relating historical costuming, including sewing tips, re-enacting and living history groups, and renaissance festivals - http://www.midnightgarden.com/costume/medieval.html
Some Clothing of the Middle Ages - Marc Carlson offers 'a cursory examination, for people interested in historical recreation and replication, of the extant archaeological and museum materials relating to clothing in the Middle Ages'. - http://www.personal.utulsa.edu/~marc-carlson/cloth/bockhome.html
15th Century Female Flemish Dress - Hope Greenberg provides images of women from paintings the 15th century by artists working primarily in the northwestern part of Europe. It is intended to show examples of the predominant trends in upper class clothing from the era. - http://www.uvm.edu/~hag/sca/15th/
Scottish Clothing - Sharon L. Krossa's articles and resources regarding clothing in pre-modern Scotland - http://www.medievalscotland.org/clothing/
Melanie Schuessler's Period Costumes - Research paper on 12th century garb, and some pictures of 15th century garb - http://www.faucet.net/costume/period/periodcostume.html
Making the Irish Leine - Meghan Paget gives full instructions on making a leine, accompanied by a discussion of the garment - http://www.kelthaven.org/leine/
General Construction for Houppelandes - Cynthia Thibault's basic layout of the easiest version of a houppelande. - http://www.thibault.org/wedding/construction.html
Echna's 5th Century Irish-Celtic Re-Enactments - Nobility garb of the period. Additional notes on crafts and re-enacting the lifestyle and culture of this time. - http://www.celticgarb.org/
Buried with the Friars - Discussion of archeological finds of 14th and 15th century clothing in North-East England (British Archaeology, no 53, June 2000) - http://www.britarch.ac.uk/ba/ba53/ba53feat.html#evans
Burgundian Formal Dress - Women's clothing in late-15th century Northern Europe, particularly Burgundy and Flanders. - http://cleftlands.cwru.edu/BurgundianCostume.pdf
Albanach.org - Topics include clothing from Medieval Scottish Highlands. - http://albanach.org/
Medieval Clothing Pages - Comprehensive collection of articles and essays on medieval fashion, garments and accessories. Links to related history sites. Author: Cynthia Virtue. - http://www.virtue.to/articles/
Ravensgard Costuming and Textiles Page - Medieval and Renaissance research, textile weaving and dyes, accessories, jewelry, and supplies. Extensive links collection. - http://www.ravensgard.org/gerekr/costume.html
Gunnas to Houppelands - Essay tracing women's clothing in England over the 5th through 15th centuries. - http://www.usd.edu/~socrean/arts/gunnas.htm