Puzzler Rebuses - Four depictions of well-known phrases. - http://sln.fi.edu/qa97/puzzle9/puzzle9.html
Uncle Rebus - A person's name located in the bottom-right corner of a rebus-cartoon is the source of a quote attributed to that same person. - http://www.unclerebus.com/
Concentration - Offers a weekly rebus in the style of the TV show, Concentration. - http://home.earthlink.net/~crussmason/cncindx.htm
Rebus Brainteasers - Kid-oriented wordplay from the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, to introduce kids to science and research interests. - http://www.niehs.nih.gov/kids/braintpics.htm
Rebus Pictograms - Contains pictures as additional elements to the letters and numbers. - http://www.fun-with-words.com/rebus_puzzles.html
Rebuses - One hundred wordies on various subjects. - http://www.vella-zarb.com/thomas/rebuses.html
Punzzles - This time, pictures depict the various phrases. - http://punsterproductions.com/punzzles.php?N=1&NMAX=8
Gilbert DeBenedetti - Visual puns with a musical theme. - http://www.pitt.edu/~deben/visualpuns.html
Ripley Woodbury Visual Puns - Brainteasers involving English expressions, exactly like wordies. - http://www.ripleywoodbury.com/News/VisPun.html
Band-Aids - Wordies depicting the names of various rock bands. - http://www.princeton.edu/~distract/issues/mar2001/
Whacky Wordies - One dozen drawn representations of phrases. - http://www.ottawavalleyguide.ca/whackywordies.html
Wackie Wordies - Eight different groups of wordies. - http://www.pen.k12.va.us/Div/Winchester/jhhs/math/puzzles/miscpuz.html