Jim Kalb's Palindrome Connection - Also supplies links to related resources, both online and elsewhere. - http://www.nyx.net/~jkalb/palindromes/
Palindromania - The main feature is a palindrome of the day, wherein the viewer is tested to create a palindrome - http://palindromania.com
The Palindromist Magazine - An offline journal for people who write and enjoy palindromes. - http://www.realchange.org/pal/
Palindromes by Brownielocks - Palindromic poems, stories and history. - http://www.brownielocks.com/palindromes.html
Automatically-Created Palindromes - Computer-generated wordplay plus more made by humans. - http://www1.cs.columbia.edu/~evs/ai/Palindromes.html
University of Texas - List of palindromes from students. - http://uts.cc.utexas.edu/~wechsler/palindromes.html
John's Palindromes - Old and newly-discovered palindromes. - http://www.wunderland.com/WTS/Ginohn/cetera/palindromes.html
Palindrome Parade - An alphabetically-listed collection of palindromes. - http://thinks.com/words/palindromes.htm
What Are Palindromes? - A list of palindromes along with their history and poems. Includes a wordplay bookstore. - http://www.fun-with-words.com/palin_explain.html
Neil/Fred's List of Palindromes - Palindromes in English, Dutch, Latin, Swedish and Welsh plus palindromic poems and computer programs. - http://www.derf.net/palindromes/
Mockok.com - A collection of palindromes, focusing on palindromic single sentences. Currently over 2,000 archived. - http://www.mockok.com/
Political Satire Palindromes - Reader-contributed commentaries on political leaders. - http://polisat.com/palindp.htm
Once Upon A Palindrome - A word game and story. At the end of each chapter, the reader must fill in the appropriate palindrome. - http://members.cox.net/jjschnebel/palin.html
Noemata Palindrome Collection - Claims to have 2830 palindromes in thirty-five languages. - http://www.noemata.net/pal/
Palindromelist.com - A list of palindromes, which are words or phrases that read the same backwards or forwards. - http://www.palindromelist.com