David's Limitless Limericks - A collection of illustrated limericks of all types, from innocent to shocking. - http://www.limericks.davidalanbrooks.com
Arthur's Limericks - A collection of humorous five line limericks and verses in the style of Edward Lear. - http://limericks.5gl.net/
Writing Limericks for Fun - Learn to write good Limericks from a PhD. - http://female-orgasms.com/limericks/
Polish Limericks - Includes an introduction to limericks, as well as translations of English and Polish limericks. [English-Polish] - http://www.limeryki.pl/English/English.html
Limericks and Links - Limericks on diverse topics along with a discussion page on the technicalities of the limerick. - http://www.sfu.ca/~finley/
LimGen: The Limerick Generator - Supply five words and the generator will write the limerick. - http://www.jjjwebdevelopment.com/306sites/limgen/
Limericks for Wimps - Bowdlerized limericks for the politically correct. - http://www.sfu.ca/~finley/wimps.html
Raven Electrick - Electrick Limericks - Lively limericks with fantasy, science fiction, horror and mystery themes. - http://www.ravenelectrick.com/electricklimes/index.htm
Rick Limery's Limericks - Subjects include religion, celebrities, food, work, sex, sports and crime. - http://limerick.s5.com/
Loony Limericks - Huge and still growing collection of limericks both naughty and nice. Visitors can also add a line to the mass limerick. - http://home.earthlink.net/~kristenaa/
GrahamLester.com - Original limericks on a multitude of topics, along with other silly verse and humor. - http://www.grahamlester.com/