I Found A Spoon - Features art, photographs, stories, and letters and comments about a plastic spoon game. - http://www.ifoundaspoon.4t.com/
Ichiro TV - Japanese comment and humor. - http://www.ichiro.tv/
Insult Machine - Generates random insults, pick-up-lines and careers plus a weblog. - http://www.insultmachine.com/
I Think I Want to be a Comedian - Humorous thoughts and observations from an aspiring standup comedian and comedy writer. - http://in10sity.blog-city.com/
iamtheshit.co.uk - Personal comment and humor. - http://www.iamtheshit.co.uk
Ippolito, Jim - Creative freelance writing featuring humor, jokes, and social commentary. - http://www.jimippolito.com/
I Rock, You Suck - Unlikely bumper stickers, international insults, dating guide, and television humor. - http://www.djknockout.iwarp.com/
Infrarat.com - Original free web games with notes on how they were made, plus a large collection of humorous i-Zone pictures with captions. - http://www.infrarat.com/
Indiehorse - A selection of comic-strips starring my favorite Indie musicians. - http://indiehorse.com
I Hate Pants - Soon the world will be without the faults of pants. - http://www.i-hate-pants.com
I Can't Colour In - Flash and GIF animations with a gallery containing photography and cartoons. - http://www.icantcolourin.co.uk/
Ironfire.org - Rants and recommendations. - http://www.ironfire.org/