Butlerweb - Jokes, cartoons, riddles and humor about many different subjects. - http://www.butlerwebs.com/jokes/
Blue Panachio - Warm and light-hearted humor, entertainment and goodwill. - http://www.blue.panachio.com/
Brecht Sanders.org - Includes jokes, cartoons and other funny stuff in a searchable database. - http://brecht.edustria.com/
Bad Jokes of the Week - Jokes collected from experience in morning radio, including blonde, Dallas Cowboys, wrestling, retro and gender humor. - http://www.badjokesoftheweek.com/
Best One Liner Jokes - One liner jokes, each with its own cartoon plus pages of stories and e-cards you can send for free. - http://www.best-oneliners.com
Born Silly - Jokes, pranks and online games. - http://www.bornsilly.com/
Brian's Brain - Humor and fun site with jokes, lists, and useless facts. - http://www.brainofbrian.com/