Swami Baktanimbin - Chat with the Swami Baktanimbin. Let the Swami relieve you of the heavy burden of your wallet. - http://www.blueswami.com/Chat.html
Aunt Calamity - Covering varied topics, including relationships, work, technology and cooking. - http://www.auntcalamity.com/
The Accidental Oracle - A series of questions and answers on pressing issues. - http://www.accidentaloracle.com/
Excuses - Fun, original and useful excuses for all kinds of occasions, for use at home, work, school, and life. - http://www.excuses.co.uk/
Dear Cupid - Fun love advice, relationship help and tips. - http://www.dearcupid.org/
Ask Dog - Love and relationship advice column with a humorous twist. - http://www.askdog.com/
Grumpy Llama - Guidance from an unhappy member of the Camelidae family. - http://www.grumpyllama.com/
Mean Mug - Guidance on how to be a mean, rude, obnoxious, and selfish jerk. Also includes an advice column, message board, and a solve-the-mystery page. - http://www.meanmug.org/
Ask The Mighty Thor - Advice column featuring hopeless questions and ruthless responses. - http://www.askthor.com/thor-home.html
Ask Dr. Eldritch - Uncommon advice for those who find themselves in extraordinary circumstances. - http://www.askdreldritch.com/
Duct Tape Guys - Jim and Tim explore implausible uses of the sticky gray stuff in books and appearances on stage and television. Drop-down list with dozens of use categories. - http://www.octanecreative.com/ducttape/
Shut Up and Date - Relationship advice for men from a charismatic romance professional. - http://www.dekafilm.com/shutupanddate/
Stupid Question - Sometimes serious, and sometimes humorous answers to seemingly trivial questions covering all mannger of topics. - http://www.stupidquestion.net/
The Naked Dancing Llama - A tangoing, frolicking, peanut spitting llama who is here to help you with your problems. - http://www.frolic.org/
Ask Ken! - Offers advice on any subject to anyone for free. - http://www.kenspace.net/
Ask Taco - Advice from Taco on relationships, sex, or just about anything under the sun. - http://www.asktaco.com/
Ask Skippy - Hundreds of dumb questions and answers. - http://niftyness.com/askskippy/skippy.htm
Fun Advice - Forum offering humorous advice on life and relationships. Free membership. - http://www.funadvice.com/
Ask Jeez - The Son of God operates this advice driven search engine. - http://www.modernhumorist.com/mh/0004/askjeez/index.cfm
The Macking Manual - A guide for the young macks out there, the players, and the veterans. - http://www.rumdogs.com/coverpage.html
Dear Reid - Utterly useless advice from a completely unqualified guy. - http://www.dearreid.com/
Mr. Joel's Hollywood Beauty Tips - Mr. Joel of Hollywood offers humorous Hollywood gossip, beauty tips, and sexual advice to women. - http://www.mrjoel.com
Guru Jeff's Page of Truth - An illustrated guide to ass-kissing, take on online quiz to see if you are enlightened, or discover the truth about men. - http://www.gurujeff.com/
EtiquetteGrrls.com - Includes advice column, letters, information about their book, profile, rhetorical questions and links. - http://www.etiquettegrrls.com
Miss Abigail's Time Warp Advice - Old advice for contemporary dilemmas, covering the age-old topics of dating, love, living together, puberty, marriage, sex, etiquette, housekeeping, and even home repairs. - http://www.missabigail.com/
Dear Aunt Nettie - America's oldest Internet guru tells it like it is. - http://www.dearauntnettie.com/
Gorm the Wired Viking - Choose your topic and be rewarded with an "ancient" Viking proverb, or help to create new proverbs in Gorm's Olde Proverb Factory. - http://gorm.com/