Holland & Holland Shotguns and Rifles - Hendry Ramsay & Wilcox are agents for Holland & Holland ssporting shotguns and rifles. - http://www.hrwscothunt.ndtilda.co.uk/holland.htm
Purland Guns - Specializes in vintage American and English shotguns and rifles. Includes an inventory and information about their hunting trips. Based in Leicestershire, England - http://www.purlands.com/
Brignoli Armi - Dealing in firearms and repairs since 1965. Hunting and sporting guns available. Based in Italy. - http://www.brignoliarmi.com
G-Man Weaponry - Manufacture of Class 3 AOW short barrel shotguns, and suppressors. Also a Class 3 dealer and Class 2 manufacturer. - http://www.g-man-weaponry.com
Shotgunworld.com - A central resource for all things shotgun related. Forums, classifieds, gun ID and gun values. Also, help you find the lowest price. - http://www.shotgunworld.com
Drilling Hotline - specializes in combination guns, drillings, and double rifles by Krieghoff, J.P. Sauer, Merkel, and Colt Sauer. - http://www.drillinghotline.com