Z Moly Powder - Neely Industries - Dow Corning Lubricants - Press-fitting, assembly, metal forming, running-in new or rebuilt equipment; helps prevent cold welding of metal surfaces under static pressure or vibration (fretting corrosion). **Meets MIL-M-7866 (10 oz for ~$36 + shipping) - http://www.neelyindustries.com/prod02.htm
Molycoating Bullets - Alternative Methods to the NECO Process - Moly coating bullets works best if you've cleaned your bullets first. A clean surface allows the moly to adhere better. I now degrease my bullets before coating them and wish I had all along. - http://www.snipersparadise.com/newproducts/moly.htm
NECO-COATBullet Moly Coating - Plating NECO Coat - The patented NECO-Coat Process ("Moly Coating/plating") is a method of "impact plating" molybdenum disulfide ("moly," MoS2) into the surface of cast or jacketed bullets, followed by an outer coating of carnauba wax. - http://www.neconos.com/details.htm
Moly coating bullets for target shooting - Molybdemum Disulfide on the surface of the bullet acts as a lubricant between the copper bullet jacket and the steel barrel. The result is bullet deformation seems to be more of a swaging and less of a gouging, resulting in less yaw and measurably better - http://arizona.rifleshooting.com/moly.html