El Dorado County, California 4-H - Instruction and practice with .22 rifle for 4-H youth. - http://www.straightshotconsulting.com/fourHpage/
Alaska State 4-H Shooting Sports Program - Air rifle, air pistol, rim-fire rifle, archery, muzzleloading rifle and shotgun plus training and general information. - http://www.uaf.edu/coop-ext/4h/shootingsports/
Texas State Archery Association - Applications for 4-H teams, coaches, and coordinators and code of conduct. - http://www.texasarchery.org/FourH/2002SSTI.htm
Delaware County, Ohio 4-H - Archery, pistol, rifle, shotgun, black powder, hunting, safety, personal growth, sportsmanship, and leadership skills. - http://www.midohio.net/dc4hss/
Virginia 4-H - Rifle, shotgun, air pistol, muzzleloading, archery, hunting, certification and training camps, and calendar of events. - http://www.ext.vt.edu/resources/4h/environment/shootinged/
Adair County, Missouri 4-H - Hunter safety course required for shooters and volunteer leaders must be certified. - http://outreach.missouri.edu/adair/4h/shooting.htm
Island 4-H Shooting Sports - Teach responsibility, self-discipline, concentration, self-reliance, and physical using .22 rifle training. - http://www.countyofkings.com/kings4h/clubs/island/shooting.htm
Michigan 4-H - Safety and instruction for shotgun, rifle, air gun, muzzle loading, and archery competition and hunting skills. - http://www.msue.msu.edu/msue/cyf/youth/shootisp.html